Happy Sunday...
It's a long over due post from me.
So much has been happening around here these past couple of weeks. I have been so busy trying to gt my layouts finished for HOF. Can you believe it? I'm going to enter this year. I'm not expecting anything, just the sheer accompliment of finishing the contest and entering is good enough for me. But if by some chance I get HOF (a girl can dream) or even honorable mention (another dream here), I'd be so thrilled with joy. I have all of my assignments completed but one. The journaling. Leave it up to me to save my worst for last. I have a few ideas on how I want to scrap this subject, and have been searching my computer for photographs, but haven't set this in stone yet, sort of speaking.
I just read that scrapbook.com is having their layout contest again this year. They've upped the anti. $20,000 buckaroos this year. And only 3 layouts this time..WOOHOO...this will be another one I'm going to enter. The entries last year were so faboluous..and I enjoyed seeing who won all of the goodies. That's got to be one hard job. Judging a contest. I'm so glad that I don't have to. There are so many wonderful and very creative scrappers out there. My hats off to all of you judges out there that do this.
I have to share some good news though. I got first place in the Creative Xpress contest for December. $75.00 bucks to spend in their store. Man, I love that place. They have a great online community too if you get a chance to check them out.
Well my daughter is finally back on line. They have moved into their new home back in MI on the water. I can't wait to take another trip there to visit. We got hooked back up to MSN with our video cameras and it's so nice to be able to see and chat with her, Joe and the baby. Bayleigh is such a little sweetie. She's blowing kisses to the camera and says I Love you grandma. But today she got herself into a little pickle while we were chatting. She got busted writing on the wall...lol...I guess what comes around go around..huh Amanda...heehee...I hope you got that washable paint that I mentioned to you the other day...if not, you might be rethinking it...heehee...
Here are some photos from our bedroom and livingroom that I promised everyone. Just keep in mind that I'm still not finished. But I did want to post some here for everyone that has been asking...the water picture on the wall in the living room behind the couch, has the wave sounds and the water ripples in the photo. But that darn cord is driving me nuts. It looks so out of place. Anyone have any suggestions on how to hide this? Please send them my way. We have another one over top of the entertainment center.
I went for a couple of interviews this past week. Yep, I said it. Looking for a job finally. It's time I get back out there. Scott won't leave, so I have to...lol...no, really, I want to get back into teaching again and working at a store with customers. But I do have some resumes out for photography jobs. I would love love love to get one of these. Even at the beginner level would be great. But we'll see how things turn out. It depends on the man above. What he thinks will work best for me and my family.
Well this is it for now. I hope it won't be to long before my next update. I hope everyone's year has been good to you so far.

I disconnected the lounger and put it seperately. I really like it better over there by the window. I sit and watch tv and read my mags and such here...really cool spot...
Well have a great week ahead...
Hugs from a very windy and cold charm city
Regarding the pictures, I have 2 pictures that also have to be plugged in to electricity and this is what my husband did. He put an outlet behind the picture. You have to run the electricity down from the attic, off of another outlet. Any electrician can do it, or even someone with handyman experience. The outlet you would need to use is a recessed one. That way when you plug in the picture it doesn't sit away from the wall. Hope this works for you.
hey the house looks cool i like what you did to the bedroom walls. hows everyone? like the new sofa too. Troy
i forgot to ask you how is baybay. we herd that she was kind of a sick little girl. Troy
Thanks Maria...I'll have to pass this along to my husband....I love the idea that the plug is behind the photo....
hey Troy---thanks for stopping in...long time no chat...I miss that....thanks for the compliments on the house...it's looking good since your last visit out here...can't wait for the next one...and don't forget about the summer and SEACRETS.com...
Baybay is sick...they took her for tests and they say nothing is wrong. That she'll out grow it...but I don't agree...there's got to be something wrong there...keep her in your prayers if you could...tell everyone I said HI...
Hugs my friend ;O) ...
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