
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

HELLOOO Blogland Remember Me???

Happy Hump Day Bloggers...I know, I know, it's been like forever and a day since my last post. There has been so many family issues going on here with my in-laws that life has been so very hectic for all of us here.  Just when you think it's about to settle down it's speeds back up. Although I haven't been here on my blog, I have been doing home projects ehre around the house that I really would love the share. I have been taking pictures along the way, I just haven't had time to share.
I hope I find everyone happy and healthy in this new year. It's a mixed baggage here. We are gearing up for our St. Patty's Day Party in a few weeks. And if you remember the past few years it's always a blast. I can't wait to get some of our new light ups that will be hitting our door stop here in a few days. WOOTY WOOT WOOT!!!!
Today I'd love to share a Valentine's project/gift I made for my MIL and FIL. My MIL has been abit under the weather. So I thought she'd like a handmade gift this year. She's a crafter herself, so I know this will be loved......ENJOY!!!!
come inside and see all the jewels I have
here's the shoe box I used and covered it with brown paper that comes in a roll
i painted the canvas stained the paper mache flower pot and added a couple of bunches of flowers..sorry the pic is horrible....
here's the total gift package....decorated canvas with a dozen roses, boxes of chocolate and a Valentine's Day card!!!!
Here's the canvas that I decorated.

                                            inside of card.... 

                                                  inside of box

 here's the final look....So do ya think they'll like to receive this? I think they
                                                                                 Well I do hope that you enjoy my little project that I have created....ohhh it felt so good to be back in my hope you all stay safe...we are getting some snow here tonight.....Hugs from a chilly Charm City....


  1. Well, helloooooooooo Nancy! Girl, you have been missed! Your projects are always so full of great textures and techniques. I still remember that St. Nick you made about 5 years ago. What a beautiful, thoughtful gift you have put together for your MIL. I'm sure she will adore this! Hope all is well with you :) I was thrilled when I saw your post up on my sidebar and had to jump right over here. Glad to see you back at it!

  2. AWWWWW MISS YOU!! Come back to us soon!! What a great gift box!!!

  3. Gee, guess I missed this one. WOW, what a faulous Valentine! xxD
