
Thursday, July 26, 2012

What's Been Happening

So I decided to post this today instead of puter is up and running so I thought I'd just post it now....... I thought I would share some photos of what we have all been up to this past year...hence my disappearance from my blog...Things here have been so crazy crazy...and
I mean that in every aspect of the word....CRAZY!!!!! Our home is a stopping point (Hotel MD Crabbie) our family members...2 weeks we get a visit from my FIL and his doggie...and then when he leaves my Mother comes in for her monthly visit of 2 weeks....we have had a graduation party, birthday parties, pool parties and even a visit from family that came in from out of town....not to mention spring hit and we all know what that means....YARD WORK!!! YUK!!! I am so SICK of yard work right now....

this is our youngest GB....she is so dawling it isn't even funny....

and here she is again...

and here's her older brother...don't mind the blue's on the list of things to matched the blue walls but now has to be replaced....
and again...
we played romper room
had little sessions with Grandpop...

and after a long day, they were wiped out and
we celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary back in May...and even my birthday just the day after...
we also celebrated a few birthdays....this is my FIL and MIL...we went to visit and celebrated her bday at the home this year....

she really enjoyed her cake and everyone singing to her...

and this  is the last bit of wall paper that has been up for the past 10 years....I can't believe that I finally ripped it all down and painted the posted below of what I did ...
and amongst all of this madness here, we even made it to the beach for a day for Spring Fess....look at everyone else that had the same idea we you remember the club we go to for our St. Patty's day parties...well this is the outside beach area in the's a rockin place to hang have waitresses that come out to your table and serve you in the how fricken cool is that....
while at Spring Fess I even found a new hat for DH for next years St. Patty's Day party....

we even made it to a Japanese Steak House...DH had never been to one. He just loved the show....

just  a photo of the wall I did using the raggin off technique...the picture in the background is actually a picture inside an open frame....I needed something to put on this wall until I get my wall fountain and this is what I came up with...the frame had an oil painting of the beach inside it so I popped it out and just used the frame...
I painted one wall as an accent wall using a brown....
and this is a vase that I have had for years now...I don't know if you can tell, but it is actually a boobie bought it as a joke for DH....if he ever got to missing my boobies, he would have a
This has been one crazy past year....this past week, DH and I had a bad experience with my FIL...he ended up falling out of bed in the night and couldn't get back up and layed there for a couple of hours....thank goodness I heard him as I was leaving for work that night. DH and I got him back into bed....but let me tell you, this was a huge scare to us...and it really opened our eyes that our parents are at the stage where they need help with just basic living's a stage that neither DH nor I are ready for....we went out and purchased a new bigger bed for the guest room and a new living room set....this was done so that it would make it easier for them to get up and out of....we even made Dad go with us to make sure what we picked out would be OK for now I get to empty out the guest room, paint and redecorate it....I hadn't planed on this til after Missy went back to school in September...I was hoping to take a couple months off from doing anything...guess it just wasn't meant to be.....
Well blog friends, if you've made it this far, thanks for hanging out and reading what's been happening here at Hotel MD Crabbie....I truly miss all my friends here, all of the challenges and all of the wonderfulness that everyone makes...I'm hoping to be back in swing soon....after this redo of the guestroom then there's only my pantry, laundry room left to redo....other than the carpet....oh and the master bath....but then I think I will be spent...and sick of remodeling....I hope things on your home front hasn't been as busy as it's been here....some days I don't even get to breathe...I wake up, work my ass off and then go to bed....without even coming into my playroom for some R&R....well I'm off to clean the guest FIL just left earlier and my Mother will be here in a couple of hours...not to mention I'm going out to mow grass for DH before it gets to's going to be in the 100's today....Hugs from a very hot Charm City.....


  1. My goodness woman! You're a MACHHINE! Great pix and fab redo and your family is delightful. Missing you on the crafting front, though. xxD

  2. Nancy Nancy Nancy... I lost you.... but my friend Donna just steered me back where I found you again. I loved your Hotel MD Crabbie stories....

  3. Just got to see this my goodness woman you have been busy busy busy xxxx
