
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Tiddlyy Inks Anything Goes Challenge

Well, a great big helloooo blogland. It's been quite sometime since my last visit. Oh how I have missed my family here...I'm hoping that I will be able to hang out some with everyone again. I've been playing some here in my playroom lately...and what I have for you today is a Christmas piece I made for the anything goes challeng at Tiddly Inks Challenge Blog... I've missed playing along with all of the if you get a chance check out all of the wonderful creations from the team and play along with the challenge..I dare ya!!!! Ha Ha!!! ENJOY!!!!

And here's my quarky out of the box Christmas decoration. I made this using images from Tiddly Inks .....I also used empty ribbon rolls, a total of 6, to make the base...painted with Gesso and embellished...I also used Distress inks to color in the images....the snow write pen to color in the white areas for added texture...and stickles...

closer view of the bottom....

this is the backside...I'm thinking it still needs
Well I'm off and running....I'm hoping to be back soon to share some other projects that I've been working on....and to hang out with you and try and play catch up....oh how I've missed everyone...hugs from a warm CHARM CITY!!!


  1. I actually squeaked out loud when I saw that you had made a post!! Love seeing your creations again! Fabulous!!

  2. Me too, Nancy! Welcome back, Chickie! So been missing your fabulous creativity. this is beyond adorable. Love all the amazing details. So funny, I just put down an empty ribbon roll to come to the computer but my project is sooo simple compared to this. Still I like to think we may have been channeling each other. Welcome back! Hope you stick around awhile. xxD

  3. What a fab creation@ I love all the attention to detail which makes this all the more special. Thanks for joining us at Tiddly Inks.

  4. What a fun project, I love all your whimsical details along with images! Thank you for joining us this week for our "Anything Goes" Challenge :)

  5. Awesome project! Love all the details. Thanks for joining us at Tiddly Inks.

