
Monday, May 15, 2006

Happy Monday and Belated Mother's Day Everyone I come to you from my hotel room at the beach over looking the Atlantic Ocean. The sound of the waves hitting up against the shore is just so relaxing. I wanted to share some pics I took this morning of our sunrise. It's been cold and rainy here, so when the sun showed up this morning, I just had to share. The photo of the horses playing I took the other day where I so love to go when we come down. These two were just having a blast chasing each other playing on the beach. I love how they are kicking up the sand underneath their feet. I know I've said this a thousand times before, but if you ever get this way you have to go to Asseteague Island here in Ocean City Maryland. These horses are just so cool. We didn't get to see any of the deer this time, and most of the horses weren't out, but we did get to see these guys. I have some great news to share with everyone. Most already knows but for the ones that don't, my daughter had her baby a couple of weeks back. She had a little baby boy. Noah -Michael Troy Scott-. Yes, you read that right. And that's only his first and middle names. She gave him three names for his middle. After their dad's in her and her husbands life. And their last name is a long one too..So needless to say, I hope he doen't have to write that one to many times in his don't have any pics yet, but as soon as I do I will surely post them. We also have another new addition to our family. My brother in law and S. other just had their baby a few days before Noah to. They had a bouncing baby girl, Sophia Marie. Such a pretty name for a beautiful baby. Here's her photo. So what do you think? Isn't she just the cutest? So this is it for now. Well wait, I do have to say thanks to the ladies the other night at the chat for putting up with me. I was in rare form that night. You see, I don't get out much and let loose like that. So thanks. You all were so cool to hang out with. And I would like to say Happy Belated Mother's Day to you ladies. I don't know where my manners were, but I did forget to tell you all that. And to answer your question to what we were chatting about, YES I know what I'm talking about...heehee...I might take you up on the offer Rose/Deb...I'm hoping to see you this Saturday at the chat. Love ya gals... Well I hope everyone has a wonderful day/week ahead. Hugs from Charm/Ocean City


  1. Wonderful Nancy!!! I would love to assist you in that issue. What great pics and I love those purses!!

    Hugs Deb

  2. those purses are to die for!! And congrats on all the babies too!
