
Friday, April 21, 2006

Long Awaited Post------It has been brought to my attention that I needed to update my blog from my friends and family. So much has happened this past month that I am so incredibly busy right now. I took a new position with another company and have been busy busy busy.. the hours are so different for me and I'm still trying to adjust to them. But more about that at a later date. I do however want to share some Easter photos I took. We had family over for dinner and an egg hunt with the little ones. I so enjoy watching them hunt for the eggs. Some have money and some have just candy. It's the money that they are looking for. After all of the eggs were found, they sat around to count their change. It was so cool. Update on our daughter in MI. She is due any day now. They are told they are having a boy. So this is soo cool. I finally get a little boy in the family. I so can't wait. My brother in law and his girlfriend is having their baby on Monday. She's having a C section. I hope thing goes well for them. I jsut wish they would wait alittle longer to see if the baby would turn or not before they jump right in to the C section. Oh and they are having a girl. So we are going to be welcoming 2 new babies into our family this year. How exciting. Well I'm going to go for now. I know it's a short post, but am thinking I'm going to go and lay back down for a nap. I hope everyone has a great day. We are getting rain for the next couple of days. I hope you all are getting sunshine. Hugs from Charm City