
Thursday, May 25, 2006

As Promised--- Here is a photo of our little newest addition Noah. Isn't he just precious? He's so cute and cuddley. But all he does is sleep as most newborns do. I do have some other photos of him but I'm just to tired to go get the camera and upload them to my computer. So I hope you like this one for now. Our daughter came out the other day for a visit for the week and this is what I woke up to the other morning after they got in late. How cute is that. This is our first grandbaby. Oh how she has grown since my last visit in October back home. She even has hair now. And curley. She has tons of curley hair. She just turned 2 the first of May, so she's well into those dreaded terribles. My house shows she is with a big 'ol cheesey on her face... How can you resist that face. She has the gleem in her eyes and the spunk in her soul. I'm so going to miss them when they go back home. But they will be back in July to go on vacation with us at the beach. So that will be cool. Get to play with her in the sand and surf. Our anniversary was the other day. We went down to a place for dinner where we hadn't been to in so long, Bay Cafe. It's right on the water. What great timing we had. Beautiful day, good food and great company, my husband. We even had a visitor, a duck. She just waddled her way into where we were sitting. Here's some photos from there I'd thought I'd share with you. Ok so yesterday was my birthday. Scott has been getting me for the past week with telling everyone. It first started while we were down at the beach and the DJ's announced it to everyone. Then he called the radio station and if that wasn't enough, he even sent an e-mail to my boss to tell her to make sure everyone at work knew about it. How cruel is that. I mean, I'm not tryin to remember my birthdays anylonger, but trying to forget I even have them anymore. He is not helping here. Did you hear me Scott, you are not helping!!! Now remember, next year I am in hybernation. I will not come out til it has pass. lol...I know you will be doing something since it's a big but on a lighter note, we did have a great time yesterday at this place called Dave & Busters. It was way to cool. It's like a grown up chuckie cheese. We played a game of bowling, went to the midway (as they call it) and had a great dinner. This is one place we will be coming back to again. Not to mention they even had a pool hall. Everyone that knows me, knows I love to play pool. Well I hope everyone has enjoyed my little (but long) update. I hope it won't be to long before my next one. Oh, I do have to say though, that I am so stoked about being a finialist for the Paper House Productions design team. I so hope I get on this team. I love so many of the ladies that is already on it and would love to have the chance to design and work with them again. Thank you PHP. You all so ROCK in my book. Well I'm off to get ready for the Thursday meeting I have downtown. I so love sitting in traffic once again. Thank goodness it's only one day a week instead of Hugs from Charm City


  1. What cutie grandbabes you have. I also want to wish you a belated birthday. It sounds like you and Scott had a blast for your anniversary . So happy annivesary also.

    Hugs Deb

  2. HAPPY BE-LATED BIRTHDAY NANCY! Adorable grandbabies! Awww I want a newbie too... of course Jude is only 1 but now I want him to be a newbie again! I love all the projects you have been posting! You are so talented!


  3. LOL!!! I didi it here too!! I really am a dork, I just click click click on your "You may also like" posts and just ASSume that it's the present! Forgive me I do have a serious case of cabin fever/Betty-itus the mexican/italian blonde! Oh look at that I just put my foot in my mouth again! No offense Nancy (who is blonde)! LOL... I really really need to get out of the house... it's been a whole seven days!!! Help!!
