
Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving Day Eve I thought I'd pop in and say HI to everyone before I have to get the little one up for school. Today is a half day for her, so she's excited to start her 4 day weekend. Can you believe that the end of November is already here? Then Christmas and the New Year will be here before you know it. Wow, time sure does fly when you get old. I just got an e-mail from Creative Xpress and they put my "Remember I'm Queen" layout in it. It's posted below from yesterdays post... The photo isn't that great either. I am having so much fun playing with all of my Junkitz stuff that I picked up. They have their own box now that I have so much. I was thinking about decorating the outside of it to. The photo above is a board book that I just started and thought I'd share it. I picked up some of the new MM paper line. I'm so loving that line and thought I'd do the whole book with it. I haven't figured if I want to keep it for myself, or give it as a gift for Christmas. After all, tis the season for giving, right? Well I need to get off this computer. Today is a day of cleaning and making my oh so famous apple pies and vege bar (pizza). YUMMY!!! And getting ready for the rest of Thanksgiving dinner. Oh, and yes, we finally agreed on paint color yesterday. WOOHOO...he you so much Scott...well, we compromised on color, but I am getting my faux glazing that I oh so wanted to do in our room...I'm hoping it will turn out great..if it doesn't, I know I'll never hear the end of will razz me to eternity... Hope all will have a great day!!! We are suppose to get some snow tonight. I oh so hope we do...I LOVE SNOW!!! Hugs from a cold Charm City

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nancy,
    I love that BG LO - the pictures just pop out and say "I am in Love". I should not have put it that way I love all your LO's and always have. Do you tire of hearing that??? I hope not.
    Happy you will finally be able to paint - I know it will look fab when you are done just by your description. Hope we will see the end result.
    Nice to see an update here, I do check ya
