
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

ok so I lied down below. Here's a layout I had made for Junkitz but I didn't use it. It's a photo of my niece on a visit here. Isn't she just too cute. I love her so much. Happy Hump Day Evening I just wanted to pop in and say Hi to everyone. It's been a week since my last post. Things here have been so crazy with the rooms getting finished up. The furniture arrived today. But not without some glitches of course. The main piece for the bedroom didn't arrive. So I still need to live out of my suitcases for clothing until they deliver it on the 9th of next month. Then the chaise lounger was the wrong color for the sectional in the living room. So that will be deliver at a later date to. When? Who the hell knows. I am very upset right now with the company. We ordered a new entertainment center with 2 matching bookcases that sits on each side of the center. The delivery guy brought in boxes and said that we have to put them together. Well, excuse me, I don't have to. So we called after they left and was told the guys should have done that. Then they proceeded to tell me that the next time someone could come out was in almost 2 weeks. That is totally unexceptable. I have my bedroom that won't be put back together and now my livingroom. NOT!!! My house has been in such disarray and we were really looking forward to this getting finished so we can work on Christmas. Now I have to wait 2 weeks. The store manager was suppose to call me back tonight, but did I get a call. NOT EVEN!! I'll tell ya, they are so lucky I'm not in a PMS mode right now. lol...we all know how we get when it's PMS time. It makes things even worse. So I will wait til tomorrow morning to call and see if I can get with him and see what he will do for us. After all the money we just spent in his store, you would think that we would make some sort of arrangements. If not, well you can bet your bottom dollar I won't be going there for the next 2 rooms we have to furnish. But on a lighter note, Thanksgiving was great. We had a great time with our family. The food was great if I'd say so myself. We always eat to much on Thanksgiving. But it's oh soo good. And black oh my...I got up at 2:30 am to go and stand in the line at Wally World. I was totally freezing. I am one who absolutely loves the cold, but this was bone chilling. I wore 2 shirts, a sweatshirt, 2 pairs of socks, a nice warm jacket, 2 hats and 2 pairs of gloves. And I was still freezing. Scott said I was crazy. But I just love the thrill of getting up early and heading in for all of those sales. I got everything I went for except for the wet/dry vac from Home Depot. So I didn't fair to bad. I was home and back into bed around 9am. lol... I finished up all of my projects for Junkitz and sent them off. I'll tell ya though, my layouts were really cheesy. I just didn't have much time to really tweak them. Not that they would pick me to be on their team. But hey, if you don't try, you'd never know. My 3D project I thought came out great. I love it and can't wait to make more of them. Wish I could share them all with you so you can laugh along with Well I'm outta here for tonight. I'm am soo pooped and I want to get some shut eye. We are off to get some curtains for the windows tomorrow and drop off our old entertainment center. Oh and yes, the walls came out awesom. I love them. It's just how I had envisioned them before we started this project. So after my other pieces get delivered, I'll snap some shots so you all can take a gander at the finished room. Have a great evening!!! Hugs from a cool Charm City


  1. Love it, Love it!! That LO is too cute. Loved the angling of the picture mat and the are too clever!


  2. Nancy your lo is great and I just think that Alex is a cutie. I love all of the colors
