
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

It's Tuesday Morning It's 3:30 am. I've been up since 2:30. I just poured my first cup of jo and thought I would sit here and update my blog. I'ts been awhile again and for that I'm sorry. I know last time I said that I wouldn't let it go for so long, but sometimes things happen. We are in the middle of redecorating our master bedroom and it's taking some time to get it finished. We have a date for the new furniture to arrive, but Scott doesn't think that we are going to make the date for it. He wants to push back the delivery a week, but I don't want to. Our house is in such disarray and we are having Thanksgiving here in a couple of days. So I know we need to get some things going here. We finally got all of the wallpaper and border taken off the walls. Yesterday he was sanding down the walls. He has alittle more to do then we can add the primer (2 coats) and then the paint. The sad thing is, we have not agreed on the color for the room yet. I'm really looking for warm and classy but he has no idea of what that consists of. In his eyes, classy is one color and like a pastel color...argh!!! We all know how I HATE pastel white walls. I love color. Since the comforter set that we COMPROMISED on is a warm golden suade with a touch of brown, I don't know what would really go with that. I was hoping to mix reds, tans, greens and browns into the mix of bedding. I'm also looking for texture. He hates right now we are at an impass. We were at Home Depot and I was chatting with a lady and she had mentioned that she had them pick out colors on the computer there. So I might just do that myself. Let's see what the computer shoots out. And I hope that we will like it so it will be so much easier to get colors for the room. Notice I said colors Scott. I know you will read this, so just a heads up, more than one...OK..PLEASE, PRETTY I would love to add a glazing to the walls. Remember how you bawked at the crackle in the bathroom? But now you really like the outcome. So go with me on will be really cool. An a touch of elegance that I am looking for. LOL.. Now on to the furniture. We went shopping to get a new set a few weeks back. We had it narrowed down to 2 sets. Of course the one that I had my heart set on, we couldn't get. I wanted the one that had the canopy. It was so beautiful and elegant. All wood and the carvings were scrumptious. I have always wanted to do a room like you would see in Morocco. With the canopy bed, the warm colors, the white silk hanging from the top of the bed in the corners tied back. A bed fit for a queen/king. Well Scott's idea is always simple. So needless to say, we clash when it comes to decorating. And we compromise alot. So the set that we ended up with is actually a beautiful set. I really do love it (for a second choice) and can't wait for it to get delivered. We haven't done anything to our room since we bought our house, so this is way over due. Now I'm trying to talk him into letting me do the frilly thing above the headboard. Since I couldn't have the canopy bed, I have seen some things that they put over the front that I like. So we'll see how things turn out. The layouts posted above is some work that I have done from pictures taken up in Michigan while I was there. The basic grey layout is actually up on their site. I think I am trying out for the Junkitz design team call, so wish me luck. I have one layout and a 3D project finished. Now I need to do the one of me. And that will be so hard. I don't take very good photos. So I haven't been able to find one that I want to use. Well I'm off for now. Again, I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I want to thank all who have e-mailed and IM'ed me to see if I was ok. I am, my schedule is just so funky right now. I'll be back soon so we can all chat again on line. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Make sure you eat alot of food and goodies. After all, we Hugs from a very wet and rainy Charm City

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your decorating project sounds huge and I hope everything gets delivered on time for you! Love the new LO's you put up and love having your link on my blog as I can zip over here real quick for inspiration! Good luck in trying out for the Junkitz team too and Happy Thanksgiving!

