
Friday, July 09, 2010

Tiddly Inks Summer Challenge and an Award

Happy--Happy--Happy Friday!!!!! I can't believe it's the weekend!!! What about you? It's suppose to be cooling down some what but rain is in the forecast. So that is a pleasant surprise. I have a few things to share is a blog award that I received from Scrappinlil. Thanks so much girl for thinking of me. And I'm sorry it's taken some time to post it.....she has a cute blog, so pop on over and check her out. So here goes....I have to tell who gave me this award.....ScrappinLil..... I also have to tell you 7 things about myself, and then pass this on to 5 other friends..... Well, for the 5 friends, I would love for you to take this award and add it to your blog. You all are my friends and I find each and everyone of you an inspiration to me. Thanks so much!!!!! Well, here's the 7 things about me.... I am a nerd!!!!! (our little one says I miss scrapbooking our family photos I L*O*V*E Snow I love anything pasta I hate coffee (but drink it every day) I'm a pack-rat (only with my crafts) I Love my new friends at TBD!!!!! Well there you have it...7 things about me...some you may know and some you may not.....

Here's my entry for the Tiddly Inks Challenge #12--Summer fun with water, sand and toys...ENJOY!!!!!!

(front reads: does the song of the Sea end at the shore or in the hearts of those who listen to it)
I hope this one fits the theme. I actually had something else in mind using these 2 darling images ( bathing beauty and light my life ) from Tiddly Inks but this was how it ended up. Totally way different from I had envisioned. I also used Creative Imaginations Narrative's by Karen Russell transparency.....instead of leaving it as one piece, I cut it into strips and bowed them out leaving a tiny gap between each piece and sewed them. You can see that in the next photo....printed the digi's onto water color paper, used distress reinkers, hand cut the images out and added pop dots behind the beauty.
a closer view..... here's the inside....just used distress inks and added a couple more stamps.....I thought since this card was a bigger size that it would be a great card to write a letter to someone....
Well that's all I have....I want to thank everyone who stopped by yesterday and for your sweet comments on my project....they all really make my day......thank you!!!!!.....have a great weekend!!! Hugs from Charm City


  1. Oh my Nancy this is beautiful I love it! :) x

  2. Another one, right outta the park!
    Your use of the transparencies is awesome and so effective! The juxtapostion of the card is perfect.
    It is an honor to be on TBD with you and your high caliber art.
    Is that too over the top butt kissy? I do not kiss butt well or willingly, so I am very sincere in my idolizationof you.

  3. congratulations on the award, love this it is so super classy and fun, and nerds are the new cool haven't you heard x

  4. Wowwweee! I love, love, love this one too...omg...seriously loving your cards. :) I don't know how you thought it would start out, but this is fantastic. :)

  5. This is very cool. Really vintage looking but ... modern. COOL!

  6. OMG Nancy! GORGEOUS!!!! LOVe your transparency and the way you stitched it on. And your coloring is FABULOUS! xxD

  7. Once again Nancy you have blown me away - I have a little file of ideas from your blog - and it's getting bigger! You really have an amazing way of putting things together! Fabuloso!

  8. WOW! what a fabulous card! Love the design and your coloring is awesome! Thanks for playing along with us at Tiddly Inks!

  9. wow!!! LOVE IT!!!! :)

  10. Great card! Thanks so much for joining us at Tiddly Inks!

  11. Gorgeouss card :) thanks for joining us at TiddlyInk :)
    hugs Ria
