
Thursday, July 08, 2010

P3 and Stamp It Crazy Challenges

Where the heck has this week gone? I remember it being oh that dreaded Monday, but now it's already Thursday. WOWZA!!!! Well, I have a couple things to share today. Let me warn you, this post is very long.......
First, I would like to thank P3 for choosing my project for last month as a top 3. That really made my day....thank you.....Now--over at Paper Cubed (P3)...their challenge this month is to make a some type of table top decoration. Well you know me, being a dork and all, didn't go for the traditional decoration...I went for something abit out in left field. I made a home made checkers table (with pull out divided drawer) Burton Style, game pieces, a counter bar and even a second game to play on posted below are the photos of my entry into P3 July's challenge and then below that is my card for Stamp It Crazy's challenge of making a project/card using a witch, sentiment and ribbon......Enjoy!!!!!
you can click on photos to enlarge
here's the game with the checker pieces on top all ready to play a game. You know I built this whole set around 1 1/4" squares. I counted out the squares on a regular board (cuz I had no clue how many were to go on it) and went from there...1" squares were to small for the bottle caps, so I went just a size bigger.....and just used printer paper to make templates of the drawer and dividers to make it all fit together.....I also added a heavy layer of glossy accents to the top of the game pieces.... This is the drawer that pulls out. It actually pulls from both directions so each player can retrieve their own game pieces. I used Jack Skellington's that I got from Stamp It Crazy Store. They were so fun to work with. Hop over and check out the fun stamps....I used the stamp and pressed it into polymer clay, baked and added it to an embossed spider web cut from Quick Kuts. this is the other side using a different Jack stamp...this one is the tree Jack....making it the same as above with the polymer clay...kind of like a bead...
here's the drawer with the dividers....the center is where I added the memory card game pieces....the open sections I was thinking about making some more games....
here are the counters I added using polymer clay, heavy duty wire and the head stamp. I did the same with these but I actually drilled holes so the wire could go you ever play Foosball? I got the idea from that with the counters. I call this the best out of five game box....ohhh and lookee, you can see my feet I added to the bottom....this brings the box up off of the table...I think I got these from the dollar store last year...just plastic little decorations...I hot glued them to the bottom....
here's what I used to make 16 games pieces....these were all un-loved and
this is the bottom of the that if you get crowned all you have to do is turn it over and wala....I kept them really simple, just painted them....and I didn't want to change the coke bottle caps
here's the 20 pc memory game....this isn't just any memory's a Burton Style Memory Game....I really needed to make this sort of a hard game for teens and adults. So this is what I came up with....oh isn't Jack just the cutest....all cards made out of water color paper (both sides) and chipboard and glued using wet glue (makes it even sturdier)..... cards are 1 1/2" X 2" ...
here's the fronts of them....I used the smallest jack head and made 2 cards of each number of heads...I used the spider web stamps from Inkadinkado for a background.....let me tell ya, this really isn't easy to remember...our little one and I played a few times the other day and she was even amazed at how hard it have to really think....woohoo...I accomplished it...and she really loves this set....I can see us playing on this for a long time to come too.....Well there ya have my entry into the P3 challenge....I have to say that I truly like how this turned I need to think of a couple more games I can add to this, Burton
And here's my entry for Barb's challenge over at Stamp It Crazy Blog. I just found her blog to. So pop on over and play along this week. You just need to make something using a witch, sentiment and ribbon. How easy is that........on my card above I used MS boo and fence border punches (bowed outwards), added 2 different layers of ribbon and cut out the kitty from quick kuts (embossed him with the cuttlebug diamond folder and then wet embossed him using distress embossing weathered wood powder) hung him upside down to scare the witch (starving artists--colored in with prisma pencils), I used distress inks to color in the background and added the lil devils (Inque Boutique), spiders (Inkadinkado) and branch stamp scapes). I printed off the sentiment from the computer and added some acrylic letters with a ribbon card opener....
Well, if you made it this far, thank you!!!!! I mentioned it would be a long post....and I hope it was worth it for you. So come on over to Stamp It Crazy and P3 to play along...remember SIC's challenge ends this Saturday and P3's challenge ends at the end of the month....have a wonderful Thursday......Hugs from a very HOT Charm City.....


  1. the card is great, but that game table top decoration is out of this world, it is super, fantastic, amazing, wonderful, phenomenal and just plain old gorgeous, you are a total talent, I love it! xxx

  2. Your Witch Card is very creative, BUT I LOVE THE CHECKER BOARD, you did an amazing job on it... You should enter it at THE Burtonesque Dolls challenge this week...WOWZA is right

    Truly Awesome Creations

  4. OMGosh, Nancy!!!!! That gameboard is beyond FAB!!!!!! How on earth did you come up with that idea, and then to actually make it - WOW! Jack Skellington never looked so good! It is seriously TDF! YGG!
    And I also love your witchy card! The sentiment is perfection and I love the styling. The little devils are hilarious!
    Girlfriend, you are working some out of this world mojo - send some my way!
    Hugs & high fives all around! TFS!

  5. Holy snikies Nancy this is just FABULOUS! Goodness. That checkerboard... that is a ton of work and it's all amazing. There are so many little details. You are just FABULOUS!! I'm in awe!

  6. This is fantastic! Seriously speechless over the gameboard set... it is just amazing! And the witch card cracked me up... wonderful work!

  7. Oh this is just stunning! What a marvelous idea and something you can have For-evah! Love the inspiration, now I gotta think what I can do - LOL...

    Love the card too. Simply amazing!

  8. wow just wow this is so cool...if I find the time I would like to make something like this...I love it!!!

  9. This is so original Nancy and I can imagine the work that went into always think outside the long as I've known you you have never even been anywhere near the box...lmao.

    Love it!!!!!

  10. Holy CRAP, Nancy!!!!!! This is the coolest thing EVER!!!!! I so LOVE Jack Skellington and the whole idea of this just blows my MIND!!!! The card is pretty darn cute, too. FABULOUS work, girlfriend. I'm in AWE! xxD

  11. This is really just over the top! I love every little detail. The counting heads, the memeory game, drawer pulls. I'm blown away. That wonderfully spooky and funny witch card is just too fun! I love the colors and all of the stamps you used. Thanks!

  12. Absolutely stunning in every way!
    You have really out done yourself. I have your Beetlejuice card (proudly displayed), and I can say that you create works of art with each project you make. This one is no exception.

  13. OMG this is FREAKIN EXTRAORDINARY! WHAT THE HELL?!! How in this living land, do you come up with this stuff? HO-LA! I am just WOWED. BIG TIME. Freakin remarkable! You should be doing something like this for a living cuz you'd be rich. WOZERS!

  14. OH YES AND YOUR CARD! (imagine me being a gay male and say) FABULUS DAWLING! BOL!!

  15. Oh my!!! This is over the top cool! My son would love this, I think you and he have imaginations very similar. He is an artist and this so reminds me of some of his work, it's great!! Thanks for joining us at P3!


  16. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! NANCY I am in AWE of your amazing talent - you are one incredibly talented lady - this is just INCREDIBLE!!!!! Phew - there really aren't enough words - am heading back to drool over this again!!!

  17. Oh My Gosh, this is amazing! Thanks for joining in the fun at Paper Cubed (P3)this month.

  18. Unbelievably incredible! Thanks so much for playing along at Paper Cubed! I have a question for you if you could email me at I would love to hear from you.

  19. OMG! This checkerboard is mind blowing! Awesome work!

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