
Monday, January 04, 2010

Old Supplies Challenge

Happy back to reality everyone. This past weekend I was thumbing through all of my older supplies and decided to start using them. I say this every year and although I do, not as much as I want to. So I am REALLY making it a point to use up these supplies (and tools) that have been here in my playroom for, well, years. You remember those just had to have items. Those papers that are just beauties and were saving for that extra special project. Well I decided there are none here anymore. I am using all of it. No Holds Barred!!!!!! LOL.....about a year back I went through everything and got rid of so much to my girlfriend and felt really good about myself. But now I'm there once again. Feeling a little closed in... So I challenge you to do the same thing. I'm going to get a goodie box ready and do a rak on here (don't worry, I won't add really old really out dated things) and will have new things as well.... but more on that keep an eye open for will be coming soon.... You can click on the photos for a better view of the cards So these are cards that I have made mostly yesterday after going through my supplies....I'm really sorry the photos aren't the best but you get an idea of how I used them......Enjoy!!!! (card and opened envie) first up is a set I made using K&Company paper I have had for a really long time. Do you remember those scrapbooking supplies from the dollar store? Well that is a rub on from one of the sheets.The stitching is actually a rub on from DCWV that I only used a few of the strips.... And the silk ribbon is a package that the colors blend into the next as you go down the strand from 7 Gypsies. It really is just gorgeous ribbon, but again, it was a must have to have and I never even opened any of the packages that I purchased. Go glitz circle is a fairly new purchase from Wal-Mart....again, really sorry for the colors....this is really so much prettier.... here is the card...I made this card and envelope using 2 1/2 sheets of 8.5X11 black cardstock and 2 12X12 sheets of pattern paper. The half sheet of black stock was actually used to make the closure of the envelope. I took an 8.5X11 sheet and folded it in half (not litterally) and decided how long I wanted to make the card.
this is the inside of the card...jsut a simple one waiting for something to be written/stamped...
(the backside of the envie) I have to say that I really love how this set turned out. I just wish I could have gotten better photos for you.
Next up is some lovely papers that, again, I had to have when it came out from MOD. They are just soo pretty and yummy. But anyone that knows me, I'm a rustic/aged kind of person. So what was I card is the same size as above. I just didn't make an envie yet for it. Do you remember that tag maker from Making Memories? Yep, I dusted that off and used it on this. The metal rimmed tag, safety pin andthe cheeky pebble flower stickers are both from Making Memories---rub on Kaiser Kraft---chipboard boy/girl from Basic Gray (used distress crackle paint)---and the pearls and metal heart unknown...
the inside of the card using another rub on from the same sheet....
I made this one the same size as above ( can you tell I'm hooked on this size right yep you guessed it, but these papers are from Artic Frog. The shaker ice cream cone is another one of those dollar store scrapbooking purchases and the circle words are from a sheet from Doodle Bug. These were the only thing left on the sheet so I didn't feel so bad...heehee...happy birthday stamp was one of those from Memories in the Making (Leisure Arts) that have 12 different stamps on it. It looks like a date stamp but has different things instead. Come on, I know you have one of those in your stash somewhere. lol...and I just added some white tulle and tied a knot...this card is actually going to my niece in a couple of weeks. She's turning 11yrs and I thought she would just love this card.
I really love the color red, so I wanted to make a red/white card like I had at Christmas. I think it is such a striking color combo. The stamps are all old except for the script stamp in the lower left corner. I actually just got that one a week back.
heart fly stamp is Autumn Leaves (I think)
the hearts stamp is Stampin Up
and the circles stamp is a Unity Stamp
rest of the supplies I can't seem to remember....sorry....
these are from Anna Griffin...I just could not get a good photo. Spellbinders die and Cuttlebug embossed cupcake stamp. It was in a set of four little embossing folders and then it cuts it into a postage stamp. Really cool. I think I have only used this once.
here some more MOD papers and you guessed it, more scrapbooking stickers (flowers) from the dollar store. Can't remember who made the rub on and I even snuck a little Making Memories cheeky pebble flower in ther little flourish was from ZVA Creative (was a fairly new purchase to) you remember those EK Success special corner puches for cards? Well I dug out the only one I have and used it on the little block with the rub on. If I remember correctly, you can take this and punch all corners on the card. Even a pre-made card...
Well that's it for now. I want to challenge you to get out those older supplies and get crafting. I would love to see anything you make using some so leave a message and I'll come and check out how you used your supplies.... Well, I'll leave you with this little giggle I got when I read my horiscope this thoughts are the ones in red....
.You have a keen mind, Gemini, and are always absorbing new bits of information (yah-- all of the inspiration here on the internet). What is amazing is how much of it you manage to retain (are they crazy—when you get old you seem to forget information not retain it). Today, however, even your considerable (deflated) brain may be taxed beyond its limits. At work you may feel overwhelmed by the mass of information to sort through ( I guess so working in the publishing industry). At home there may be books and magazines piled up that you're anxious to read (Yep, I only look at pictures in magazines and listen to books). Consider taking the evening off from intellectual pursuits ( who’s going to cook dinner?). There is something to be said for passive entertainment.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Nancy! good for you! None of my stuff is that old (I've only been doing this for about a year and a half) but I have amassed a whole bunch of stuff I look at and say "What were you thinking?" LOL Mybe I'll see wwhat I can do. Great idea for a challenge and love your cards. xxD
