
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Happy Tuesday

Well have you ever woken in the middle of the night only to find out that your heat isn't working. Well that is what happened to us last night. And it was a bone chilling night here in Charm City. We just replaced the dryer yesterday because DH just couldn't fix it (not from lack of trying). So yesterday he went to Sears and came home with a new one. And then this last night. Don't they say everything happens in 3's? Well if that's the case, I have to wonder what will happen next. DH went and picked up 3 floor heaters to heat the house until we can get someone to come out (hopefully later today). Then he got a new ther. stat for the wall and we replaced that. But nothing. So here comes another "dreaded" bill that we really don't want. It seems like things always happen before or after the holidays to us. Gotta love the new Well I thought I'd post a few more things that I have made. Just a couple of cards and a gift box...Enjoy!!! just a little card playing around with the sketch from last weeks challenge at 2S4Y. Not much in the old supply category except for the little stamps and ribbon. I actually used inks with water and colored in the stamps with a paint brush and added stickles. this is an older card I made and just wanted to add it again. I really did a horrible photo job on the last one (not that this one is any better) . I really loved this stamp and thought she had a lot of attitude. Do you remember the photos of our little GB that I posted with the Steelers outfit I got him for Christmas? Well here's the little box I made to go along with the outfit. I used Accent Essentials Cricut Cartridge and something else for the words. Sorry, I couldn't find my little sheet that told me the specifics...But to get the emblem for the steelers logo it was Accent Essentials. Well that's all I have for today. I hope your day will turn out better than ours has already...hugs from a very cold and chilly Charm City...


  1. Bummer on the heater, Nancy! Just what you need! We always turn our heat off at night and sleep under a mountain of comforters and cats, but this is CA. Can't imagine in Penn. Love your projects! The Steelers should commission you. That ostrich is such a hoot too, and love the fun colors on the first. Keep WARM girlfriend! xxD

  2. Hi Nancy!
    Love your stuff, very cute :)
    I'm in Maryland too
    Have a great day
