
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Caardvarks Depth Perception 3D Challenge

Here's the little 3d shelf sitter project I made for the challenge over at Carrdvarks. Anyone that knows me, knows that I just love to make 3d projects. And I couldn't resist this challenge. They are offering some wonderful eye candy with this challenge from Club Scrap. Hop on over and check out what the DT has made and the rest of the entries. And make something to play along with it.... This is what I came up with..You can click the photos to get a better view of them. (side note..I have noticed that blogger doesn't load everything on my page on every click. I have to refresh the page a few times before I can see everything.) This little fella I made with a paper mache box for the body, polymer clay for his head and tea dyed muslin for his arms and legs. I added floral wire inside so I could make them posable. I also made the hat from grungeboard, which it gave me abit of a fit to try and keep it all together. It wanted to spring open to. I found out grungeboard isn't all that flexable when you want to make a cylinder...but I have to say, I still love that stuff...
here's the back view. The ruffle was made out of the tea dyed muslin to. I heated up some hot water and added about 5 tea bags and some muslin and let it soak for a few hours. I love the vintage feel from this technique. If you ever get a chance, try this. It's awesom looking...*smile*
just a little closer view. He's suspose to be singing America the Beautiful. Hence, his open mouth. The grungeboard stars have silver glitter glue and the top one has a sparkle starburst brad but it doesn't show up to well in the photos...sorry about that.
I made the hymn book from the Paper dolls Cricut cart (spells book pg 54)
here's what my little guy looks like when the top is taken off. I was thinking this could be used to store something inside. Here I've added a bag of little stones to give it some weight for now.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope that you have a great day!!!! Hugs from a very muggy Charm City...


  1. oh WOW - what an amazing project. I love the tiny book, and his hair is so cute! This is just wonderful. So glad you submitted to Caardvarks :)

  2. OMGoodness! This is so wonderful! So many fabulous details and your craftsmanship is amazing! I just love him!

  3. What, this is awesome! What a job, well done! Hugs Nilla

  4. How fun is that little guy ... love his fun hat and the tea dyed muslin.

  5. OH MY Goodness! He is so sweet and such a fun little guy to look at. Thanks for sharing!

  6. hi nancy :) girl you wow me with every single project you undertake! i think your the best 3-Der :) your attention to detail is outstanding yore such a wonderful inspiration :) hope all is going good with ya!
    hugs shelly

  7. Girl, you know I LOVE your work. This is yet another example of your amazing ability to create materpieces. You constantly blow me away! LOVE this!

  8. oh my goodness! what a specatacular & amazing 3-D project! i love all the detail and effort that has gone into making this so fabulous! ♥

  9. What an AWESOME project! My mouth is hanging open so wide I'm sweeping my floor... I repeat myself: AWESOME!

  10. OMG! He's so adorable! Such a unique and wonderfully detailed project Nancy. Thanks so much for playing along at Caardvarks this week! :)
