
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Belated Thanks to Pat (clever Crafting)

I am so sorry that I didn't post this sooner. I was just going back through my blog and reading the comments and came across this post from you for the award. I want to say a great big thank you for thinking of me. If you have never visited Pat's blog, clever crafting, you need to. There's so much eye candy and inspiration it's oozing through the seams of her blog. Thank you again Pat. The rules are to comment on this blog upload the logo to your blog nominate 5 to 10 blogs you feel sahow great attitude and grattitude link to your nonimees within your blog post comment on their blogs to let them know they've received the award link back to the person who gave you the award to show your appreciation So here's who I would like to award this lemonade stand award to: DeeDee Sharon Michelle Donna Carole Kris Well I hope everyone has a wonderful day...hugs from Charm City


  1. Nancy, you are so sweet to think of me, and I'm truly honored to receive this award from you. I just wanted to let you know that I no longer post awards on my blog, but I am very appreciative and proud that you thought of me.
    Love ya girlie!

  2. Thank you Nancy for the compliments.
    Hugs xx

  3. Oh Nancy, thank you so much for this award. You are so sweet to think of me.

  4. Thanks Nancy! Aside - I don't when I started calling my Dad "Pops"...I was an adult, but it has stuck for so many years and he would be disappointed if I didn't call him that now...Kris

  5. Oh Nancy I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to acknowledge this! You're so sweet to think of me. June was sort of a difficult month for me with all of the company and trying to get ready for the 4th. I truly appreciate this award. It means that much more that it's coming from you. Hugs! D
