
Monday, May 18, 2009

Welcome Little One

I know, it's been almost a month since my last post. But things have been on the fast track lately. On May 3, 2009 we welcomed baby Landen into our family. He is such a little cutie. Our daughter had a hard time with delivery so they ended up doing an emergency c-section. Baby and Mommy are doing great and are adjusting to a routine. Here's a photo of him just hours after he was born....isn't he just darling....
here's the proud Daddy...look at the little hat that he put on him. It's a Ravens beenie hat. Although he knows the Steelers are the best, he's already getting a leg up on me with this little Ravens one...haahaa...that's ok, I"ve got some Steelers attire coming for our little one here...I soo can't wait...
I took this photo on Mother's Day...He slept through our whole visit that day with the exception of getting fed and changed....
I just had to post these photos. It's the soon to be Daddy (at the time) and his little niece. It's the new craze on waiting for to mention the Nintendo Ds' and the ipods that everyone brought up to the hospital. I was so glad that we were the only one's in the waiting room. It's like the waiting room was our newest home for the day. We went in at around 6 am and she had the baby at 9 pm that night. So it was such a long day. But I have to say, the girls did really great for being so young. They were just as excited as all of us adults were.
Well that's it for now. I have some cards I"ll post soon...but I hope to get back into the swing of things here shortly. Oh, I almost forgot. Saturday was our rubber stamp convention down at the beach. We spent the day down there. But you will never believe who I ran into at our favorite hangout party club. Cindy Williams. From Laverne and Shirly. She is just soo dang cute. I have a photo and I'll post it the next time. She looks marvelous...simply marvelous...
Hugs from a chilly Charm City


  1. Awww Nancy he is sooo gorgeous, you must be so proud, his Daddy certainly looks that way. Sorry things didn't go so smoothly for your Daughter, but i bet she'll agree, he was so worth it.
    Hugs T x

  2. Nancy he's so sweet, what a cutie!!! OMG so adorable! Congrats and enjoy him! You must be so thrilled:) Happy to hear everyone is doing well;)



  3. Awww he is gorgeous! You can see how proud is the dad. Congratulations to everyone.
    Nancy i have something for you on my blog.
    Take care xx

  4. Oh he is precious Nancy- congrats!!!

  5. Congrats to your entire family Nancy!

  6. Oh Nancy! He's soooo BEAUTIFUL!!! What a sweetheart! Enjoy this wonderful time girlfriend! I know you will! Congats to you, Grandma!!!

  7. What a DOLL Nancy! Totally worth the wait. LOL Congrats to everyone. He's just precious! P.S. how fun running into a celebrity! xxD
