
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Happy Saturday Everyone

How's it going? Been real crazy here once again with the new baby, my birthday, our anniversary and the holiday all thrown in there these past couple of weeks. I have been alittle busy though making some new cards that I wanted to share today with all of you. There's alot of them. I've taken so many photos but just couldn't get any decent photos...sorry to bombard you with so many on this post....and the photos still aren't very good. You can click on them and see a bigger version if you would like.
First I would love for you to take a gander over to Motivet Inspiration blog . They have just the cutest stamps that I found bloggin this past week. They are offering some blog candy right now to. I just received my order from them yesterday and couldn't wait to ink up the cute little stamps. Here's how I used them. I did case the colors from their blog though....
The 3 cards posted below are from Scrappin Doodles line art collections. If you'd like wonder over there and check out what they have. If I'm not mistaken, they are all on sale right now too. Just the cutest little digi stamps...
The next 6 cards I made using rubber stamps I picked up from the Stampin By the Sea convention by Starving Artists a few weeks back. I just thought these were so fun to play with. I got alot of inspiration from their gallery so pop in there and check them out. You won't be disappointed.
I would like to say a great big thank you to everyone that stops in. I really enjoy reading your comments. Thank You and I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend...Hugs from a very sunny Charm City...


  1. OMGosh...Nancy!!! I am loving each and every one of these cards! You make the most amazing creations!! Wow, wow, wow! What a feast for the eyes! HUGS!

  2. Holy Moley girl you've been coloring up a storm! These are all soooo adorable! The images crack me up! xxD
