
Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy New Year

I know, I'm a little late, but better late than never....*smile*...sorry, this post is going to be a long one...
I was so surprised and very honored to see that I received 2 awards from 2 amazing ladies Tammy and Donna...this is my first to receive any awards, so I hope I do it right..... here's a link to their blogs...pop on over and check out all of their amazing creations that they make...they both are soo wonderfully tallented.
Tammy's blog---- Tammy's Place
Donna's Blog--- Popsicle Toes
Thank you ladies for such a great way to start my new year.... you both are just amazing and sweet to think of me...
The rules are to List 5 addictions and List 5 of your favorite bloggers...these are just soo hard to choose from...I have so many addictions and soooo many favorite bloggers....
My 5 addictions are:
1/ I am soo addicted to coffee first thing in the morning (mentioning that I don't like the taste of it)
2/ I am addicted to all things vintage
3/ chocolate ( but that goes without saying, right ladies)
4/ I am addicted to planning my day/time ( must stem from being a planner at my previous job)
5/ chicken wings (but only if I have blue cheese and celery to go along with them)
My 5 Favorite Bloggers (now this was just so hard to choose..a few that aren't posted have already received this award, so I thought I'd choose someone that hasn't received this yet)
1/ Tracy--- Scrap Happens
3/ Ingvild Bolme-- My Paper Art
4/Danielle Flanders-- Homespun with Heart
5/ Jana Eubank-- From my Feathered Nest
On another note, things here at our house have been so out of schedule. Our little niece is here for the week, and we have just been so busy at being LAZY....I totally exhausted myself this past month, that I took this week off and only did the bare min's that needed to be done. Which included not a damn than feeding everyone, dishes, laundry, you know, the everyday kind of things)..didn't even do much here on the computer...go figure....
the photo below is the only present I had asked Santa to bring me this year...and to my surprise, I got's a light box so I can learn how to take better photos of my cards and I need to really do some reading on lighting and camera angles to fully get the whole advantage of it.....Thank you Santa, I know you're going to read this....I Love You...
These photos are bags and cards that I made for my family this year...I know they truly don't understand the concept of homemade things, but I still wanted to make something anyways, seeings how we just did gift cards and a little something to fit inside these little lunch bag gift sets...
this is a set of cards that didn't make it to the mail. So I have a start on next years
And here is what part of my kitchen looked like this year...mind you, I ran out of time to fully finish it, but at least I have a start for next year...these curtains are my $5.oo curtains I made for 3 windows in our kitchen and mud room. Just a simple stitch on the machine, added some crumpled up newspaper to the inside to give them a poof, some white and beaded snowmen doohickies and added a little dollar craft store ornament in the center...
here's the little candy section...I am such a dork, I forgot to remove the tag from my little chef snowball in the corner lights up and I have it sitting on top of a piece of glass to reflect the light..I'll work on this little corner for next year too...and there's my little people that was on an HGTV Holiday special on t.v. this year...woohoo....I'm still amazed at that one....
this is my lighted boa wreath that I made a couple years back. This year I added all of the embellishements...the Christmas bulbs are actually Dale Earnhardt bulbs. They belong to DH and I thought it would be fun to bring a little NASCAR into the play...
Ok, this was my centerpiece for this year. Normally I buy a real centerpiece with candles and such, but this year I wanted to make something. So I had seen on an HGTV show where they used tree branches and hung ornaments. Well this is what I came up with. Spray painted the branches with white paint and hot glued white, red and silver ornaments (fishing line) onto the branches so they wouldn't fall off...I ran out of time, so it was a project that really didn't get the look I was hoping for. But over all, I liked it. And DH was telling the ladies at work about this, and I think a couple of them did the same thing for their holiday decorations. How funny is that. After all DH made fun of me that I had a tree inside on our table....what does he know.
The other photos are others that I took of things around our house.
these two little figures I painted about 10 years ago. Can you tell we love have more pieces that I really need to get out and paint for more scene pieces that go on top of our center, but I just haven't gotten around to it...and normally I used the pillow stuffing for the ground with white lights underneath it, but this year I opted to use that snow blanket for the ground of the little city scene on top of the center...I didn't care for it, so next year it's back to the lights...
this is our SAD tree this year. I wanted a small one. Well that's what I got. REALLY SMALL but cute...I think...
Well, That's it for this post. I hope that it won't be so long til my next post. I do hope that we get things back on schedule here so I can play some more...
I do want to do a HUGE shout to the Hallmark Ladybug's, Jody and Brad for such a wonderful year of working with everyone. I've had so much fun and look forward to another year. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your team Jody and Brad. You both are just amazing and sweet...
Go and pop over and check out their site and store. They have a wonderful sale going on. Not to mention they have those Distress Crackle paints in stock...I just ordered 7 of these in different colors...and the sale on the Cricut Cartridges...soo run, don't walk...I see they are still offerening 90 days same as cash...check into that...get some new years goodies...
Here's the link to the site...
And if you haven't seen the new tutorial from the Hallmark Ladybug blog, you have got to run over there too....DeeDee has posted this awesom video on going green with envies that you get in your mail...what an awesom idea are just amazing at everything you create...not to mention the other all are just soo AMAZING and TALLENTED...check out their links and visit their won't be dissappointed.
if you scroll down to the post just below DeeDee's, you'll see the one I just posted using the Krylon frosted and stained glass spray paints, on a Valentines Day clear card and matching vase set. Make sure you post a comment too...we love to know when you stop in...
Ok, here's a little set I made for our daughter that is having their first baby in May. I posted this on my last post as a little teaser. So without ado click on this link to see which bag I used....but you'll have to click on each photo and read the discription to see which one it was...
Well that's it for today...And if you made it this far, thanks...I hope everyone has a wonderful new year....hope all of your dreams and asperations come true...
Hugs from a Frosty Charm City


  1. Boy you made us work for that one chickie! LOL I was clicking all over the place trying to find the answer. congrats! I won't spoil the secret. LOVE all of your projects! Knew you must be crafting there somewhere (just keeping us in suspense). Your gift bags are amazing and I totally adore the cards with the Tim Holtz Santa stamps. I ordered those too but haven't tried them. Got a kick out of your addictions. Happy New Year! Hugs, D

  2. You never cease to amaze me Nancy! All your creations are just fantastic! I love each and every one! I'm glad you're having a wonderful and relaxing week. I see several people already beat me to the punch, but I left a little award for you over on my blog. Happy New Year my friend! Hugs!

  3. Congratulations! Your work is gorgeous too, and thank you so much for the award!

  4. Nancy! Thank you for this award!!! It means a lot to me coming from such a talented lady! I am blown away by all of your fabulous creations here on your blog. Holy cow! I could spend hours here soaking in all these ideas! :D Happy New Year to you and yours!

  5. Hi Nancy !! wow you really do make the most wonderful creations !! i have left you an award on my blog !!
