
Sunday, December 28, 2008

I'm back and Alive

Whew!!! I can't believe I survived this year. Things have been so crazy--- crazy--- crazy---I just can not believe I survived it---another holiday---....but I don't know about you, we had a great time with everyone. It was nice to play catch up. And my goodness, our nieces and nephews are just growing like weeds. Our one nephew stands 6'6" or so. My goodness, I have no clue where he got all that height at either. But he's a cutie.
I just posted a tutorial over at Hallmark Ladybug Blog using the Krylon frosted and stained glass spray paints to make a transparency card with matching glass vase. Take a gander over and check it out. And don't forget to stop and check out the other tutorials from the other ladybugs. They are so creative and their tutorials are just the best step by step.
Well, I thought I'd leave you with a project that I made for our soon to be newest grandbaby this coming May. This year I made most of the bags that I gave away with everyone's gifts...which were a gift card and some other little gifts inside. So, for the baby's bag I had to make 2 seperate bags. We didn't know what the baby was going to be until 3 days before Christmas. So I went ahead and made a blue one and a pink one. And depending on what the test turned out to be, was the bag I used...did that make any sense? Anyway, here's a photo of the two mind you, I don't usually use "normal things" for things that I make...just call me wierd.....oh, and all of the bags were lunch paper sacks....
click on the photos for a better view...
( I added handles to these also after this photo was taken...)
on these bags I used those little plastic snowflakes from the dollar store...3pcs per pk for a the bank for your bucks kind of picks from craft store and a bag of those little silver pine cones and that wirey stars banner from dollar store....not to mention a glue gun...did I go through some glue these past couple of weeks...anywhooo...which bag do you think I used? I'll let you know which bag I gave them at Christmas....and share some of the gift bags I made for everyone....
I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year....I'm just hangin out and relaxing....trying to catch up on some sleep...
Hugs from a wet Charm City


  1. Nancy these are phenomenal! And here I thought you were taking it easy and not crafting. LOL Can't wait to see which bag it was! How exciting it must have been to find out. PS, you can send the extra bag to me! LOL Hugs, D

  2. Nancy, you have SUCH a GIFT!!! You're amazing! These bags are SUPERB!!!! And it's after Christmas...which one did you use????? :) Glad you had such a wonderful Christmas!!! Hugs!!

  3. Hey chickie! Happy New Year (almost). I've got a little 'prise for you so pop over to my blog. xxD

  4. Hi Nancy! Happy New Year! I love these! Your work is so amazing, wow!!! I wish some of your awesome talent would rub off on me!

    I just left an award for you on my blog so check it out!

