
Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's a Beautiful Day

It's so pretty outside here in Charm City...not to hot not to cool..the sun is shining, and it's just an overall relaxing day,... finally...I've been up since 2a.m. playing in here...I made this project that was alot of fun. It's going to be a birthday box for a gift/gift card for someone. ..don't know who yet, but someone will get it....what do you think? The face is really strange looking..I can't seem to get a good face on anything I make... I made the face with a ball of newspaper, foli and polymer clay and baked it. I also used newspaper for the inside of the hat to give it some stability. On the backside I used the Basic Grey notch tool to make the notches to thread the twine around to make it look like a corsic (sp?)...This was just a small paper mache box that I had in my stash and I wanted to do something with it. There are hat pins in the hat holding the tag. I also used the Accent Essentials card for the Cricut to make the flowers and the ruffles (scallop). Here are a couple of layouts that I made last week or so. They are our eldest and I and then our eldest and our little niece... Well I hope that everyone has a wonderful week ahead. It's going to be another busy one here for me as I'm getting into our spare room to clean it out. I promised DH that I would since he has been so sweet lately. Not to mention he has been on my butt about getting it, they just don't understand.... Hugs from a sunny Charm City


  1. That is so cute, and I think the face if just fine and makes the whole box fun. Love the new little LO's, the one of you and your daughter is just beautiful.


  2. I think that this whole project is soooooo awesome! You are just soooo full of talent! I love your creativity!!!!! And your layout is gorgeous as always! You're the layout queen in my book!!
