
Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy Monday... Just a quick note for you today...I've been so busy with our little one's birthday party these past few weeks...we finally had her party this past Saturday...and it was such a great party for is her birthday so I'm hoping to make a red velvet cake for her today for after dinner dessert...she turned 10 years old...I just can't believe that she's that old...Scott and I still remember laying on the bed watching t.v. together with her laying there on our chest and not being very long at all...ohh the memories.... Last week her and I went to the beauty shop and she decided to get her hair chopped off...Sharri (our beautician) took off I think almost 10"...I could not believe that she actually did it...She wants to donate her hair to locks of luv...I'll post some photos of her old and hew look when I upload the photos from my's just soo adorable on her.... Here's a song that was on another blog (Ingvild Bolme)...I absolutely loved it and asked who sang the song..she was so nice she told me the name of the song and who sings it..I did a search and found it on you tube so I thought I'd share it with you all...Ingvild is such an awesom artist that I would love to share her talent with's a link to her site....go and check out all of her wonderful creations....and a big thank you Ingvild for the information...I absolutely love this I need to figure out how to purchase this one... My Paper Art And do you remember the bag and card tutorial I made for the Hallmark Scrapbook Ladybugs'blog I posted last week? Well Jody(the owner of Hallmark Scrapbook)was the recipient of the bag and was for her birthday..if you didn't get a chance to check out the tutorial take a gander over and check out all of the awesom work from the ladybug team...they are just the best ladies I've been able to work with. Hallmark Ladybug Blog Thanks for taking the time to stop by and visit...drop me a line so that I know you were here and say HI... Hugs from a sunny Charm City

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