
Sunday, January 22, 2006

It was a Great Day.... Yesterday Scott and I had a "WE" day to ourselves. It was such a great day. We had alot of fun just hanging out together. We took off first thing in the morning before anyone got up and went off to the beach. The photos above are just a few that I took. We went to Assateague Island for a drive through to see the wild horses and deer. The deer were so plentiful on this trip. I've never seen them out so. The horses were hanging out in the parking lot again over by the beach area. No matter how many times I come here, I always enjoy our visit. The wind was whipping really bad though. The last photo is of the band that was playing at SEACRETS. This was the first time I had heard them play and they were great. They played oldies from the 70s/80's. And the bands name was John Maurer Band. This is my brothers name. Not to mention my maiden name... so I had to take a photo of them so I can send it to my brother back in MI. We took a stroll on the boardwalk and got some of those famous fries that we always get. They are one of the highlights of the boardwalk. Thrashers Fries...awesom place. Well I'd share a photo of Scott from yesterday, but he gets a little irritated with me at this sort of thing. So I better leave well enough We had such a great day and even a better time when we got home. We had the house to ourselves for a change. It was just so wierd not to have any of our kids here. We unpacked from our trip and went to bed. And this morning I woke to a note that asked me if I wanted to go to breakfast. WOOHOO...we haven't done that in awhile either. So we might be off and running this morning too... Well I hope that everyone has a great day. Oh, by the way. This morning when I got up to let the dog in, the tree in the backyard was gone. So they must have worked on it yesterday to get it out of our neighbors yard. I haven't called them yet to chat, so I wonder what they are thinking about all of this. Sorry Babe, I just had to do this. It must be that stubborn streak in me...heehee...I know you'll read this, so I want to thank you for suggesting we take off yesterday. I had such a great time spending the day together. I luv ya hun....oh, don't forget about our date Wednesday for the movies... Hugs from a very cold Charm City


  1. Nancy what great pics!!! I love the beach ones and the Scott one too. So glad to hear that you had a "date ". Hope to chat with you soon. Hugs from Nebraska

  2. Hey Nancy!
    Love the beach pics. I wish we lived close enough for a daytrip. I've done it in the summer, but don't think dh would do it this time of year. Is that the bridge to Assateague? I love the deer. We saw one last time that almost looked like a miniature reindeer!
