
Thursday, January 19, 2006

A Blessing in Disguise This is what we woke to yesterday morning... we had a really bad storm and it took down my neighbors's a blessing to us, because we thought when it came down it would go right for our pool...and all of the neighbors behind us would get the water in their yards. ...but it only took out 3 fence lines and landed at the house right behind ours....didn't do any other damage than that...if you look in the one photo, you can see a swing set that it barely missed... The storm was really bad...I was up watching QVC around 2:30 am getting ready for bed when the electricity went out. The best part of the show too...I was so bummed...I really wanted to see how this lady used one of the products....but oh well...maybe next time... Today is the anniversary of my brother's death. I know he's looking down on all of us making sure things are ok. And I know there are things going on in the family that he would totally not aprove of right now. Mainly his eldest son. Just let me say this, I hope that my nephew gets back on track and headed in the right direction he needs to be. I know if my brother were here, his little boy wouldn't have gotten off track like he has. I just think it's a boy crying out. Crying out for his father that he can't have here on earth. So if I could ask, just say a prayer for him. I don't like the word death. To me it means the end. I don't know if it's because I don't like uncertainty, or what. I just know I don't like it. And I can't stand to go to funerals. I don't like to be sad and cry and see someone laying there that I just know won't be getting back up. I know everyone says that there's life afterwards, but still it's an end to life as we know it here. I have only had 4 people that were close to me die in my life time. I had some aquaintences from school passaway. But going to those 3 (my best friends parents didn't have a funeral) funerals were the worst time in my life. Well enough of that...sorry if I was a downer today for this little part of my post... Well I just wanted to pop in here to say HI to HOF layouts are complete, but I am completely starting over on 3 of them...out of 10 these 3 I didn't care I need to get crackin later tonight after we get back from dinner....going to get crab cakes tonight...WOOHOO!!! They are so yummy at this place.... Hugs from a very nice Charm City


  1. Nancy I sure am glad that you did not severe damage from this storm.

    I totally know how you feel about death. But I believe that we all have angels watching over us and making sure that we are safe.

    I also hope that you nephew gets back on track and I am saying prayers for him at this time.

  2. thanks Deb....and I agree with you. We all have angels watching over us. Hope that you have had a wonderful weekend. Hugs to you my friend....:O)

  3. I had visited in awhile and was catching up on your posts. Good luck on HOF!!!

