
Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Jim Long Band has Arrived in the house LOL...seriously though...this is a band that Scott just so loves to go and see while we are at the beach. Sometimes, ok, well most times, he plans his trips to the beach depending on when they are going to be playing. They have alot of talent and I hope they go far. This is their first CD that just came out and it's great. I have to say though my favorite song is "SHOVELING SNOW" all know how much I just love "SNOW".. but over all,the CD is great. You know how it is when you get a cd and you only get a couple of songs that you like, well on this one, it's all great. Not to mention that this is their first released one at that. So I know their career is going to go far for the group...way to go guys!!! You all "ROCK" ...and Jim, by some chance you read this, take off your glasses sometimes...please...I want to see your eyes...every photo I have of you is with those darn glasses on... If you might be interested in purchasing this CD you can find it here. You need to click on BOUTIQUE, then scroll down to SPECIALTY ITEMS for it to show up. Here's a layout I made using a photo I took while we were on vacation at the beach of them... Scott got them to sign a photo for me yesterday so I could add this to our album. This is my ever so famous "hat" that I picked up at South of the Border over the summer while on vacation down at Myrtle Beach... The layout is abit more busier than I wanted it to be, but hey, I still like the outcome...;O) Well I need to run for abit. Today is Kaitlynn's empty room day for carpet to get layed tomorrow...woohoo...finally it's here... Hugs from Charm City

1 comment:

  1. Love your layout!! My ex husband was from Maryland and we spent quite a bit of time visiting up there- love, love, love Blue Crabs!!

