
Saturday, October 08, 2005

A Boaters World
Let's try this is a layout that I just made this morning. I posted the pic below and felt so compelled to make the layout... the poem reads:
down by the pond sailing my little boat
what did I do, my creation won't float
oh well, I'll lie and dream of when I grow big
someday I'll sail the sea on my own rig.
author unknown
I can't wait till Kristi sees the photos she took that day on the adventure.
Well Scott and Kaitlynn just took off. He went to the beach and she went to Grandmoms house for the night. Oh what stories they are both going to have when they get home. I can't wait. I always love listening to his stories from his adventure off to Seacrets. And this is Kaitlynn's first night at Grandmom Boots house. They are going to have a blast together.
Well I'm off. I don't know what I want to get into yet. I might head off to the LSS and see if I can find some new papers. I decided last night that I needed some new ones to play with as I couldn't find a thing to match my boat pics. Or I might just hang out here all day, order some chinese and play. After all, it is a dreary day out here in Charm City.Hope everyone has a "great" Saturday.
Hugs from Charm City


  1. Good Morning Girlfriend! I hi-jacked your post to Huskers this morning, i hope you don't mind.I can't tell you how happy I am that you started a blog. Your new LO is wonderful as usual!I wish that I could come and play with you and maybe eat some Chinese food,LOL.Hope you have a great day Nancy.


  2. Thanks Julie for stopping in. You can hi-jack a post from me anytime...

    I just devoured my dinner. I had (as I always have) Generals Tso's chicken with fried cheese first time for the wontons too..and you can bet that I'll be getting those next time...ever since you mentioned that you were having chinese for your birthday, I have been craving it. You enabler you ... ;O)

    Thanks again for stopping in and saying HI...hope to chat with ya soon...

    Hugs Nancy
