
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Happy Hump Day/Night How's everyone been doing these past few days? I have been missing in action for awhile now. I was so busy at home before I left for my trip to Michigan that I didn't have any time to update here. Sorry about that..and thanks to Bonnie for sending me an e-mail reminding me. So I thought with my down time here, that I would try to update a tad bit. I had a great successful no ticket trip. With the exception of almost getting one. I was so shocked. He was sitting right behind an overpass with that gun staring down at me. Then I seen him pull out and thought he was coming for me. OHHH NOO I thought. NOT last time I got a ticket in PA it cost me almost 200 bucks...that was a doozy...they got me good to...but I was so careful not to speed, but then I wanted to pass a semi, and boom, there he was...but lucky me, he got someone else that I had been traveling with all day..woohoo!!! Wish me luck that I don't get one on my way back home... So one of the first days here I went off to this place called Hidden Lake's one of my favorite places here to visit. I have been going there ever since I was a little girl. Michigan State College owns it, and they use it for a classroom for the students. But the grounds are just breath taking. I'll post a few photos so you can see the colors of the trees...and I have so many photos of the flowers that were in bloom to... I have been having a blast visiting with our DD and Grandbaby...Bayleigh has grown so much since our last visit...she is such a little person now...and she chats in her language, and is just the cutest thing...I took her to the patch to get some pumpkins and she had a ball...running from one pumpkin to the next...loved it...I am so going to dread to go back home and leave her here... Well, that's just a little of what I have been up to these past few days. I hope Allis well with everyone... Hugs from cold Michigan (but I like it)

1 comment:

  1. Wow that little girl has gotten so big and what a cutie. I didn't even know you were out of town. Enjoy your time with you DD and your beautiful GD - talk to you when you get back.
    Glad you got the email.....heehee.
