
Friday, October 21, 2005

Happy Friday

I thought I'd share some photos that I have taken while here in Michigan. I am so in heaven here with all of these pumpkins. They are huge. We don't get them this big in Maryland, well not that I have found anyways. So you can bet that I am hauling some back with me when I leave. Our little one is going to love them.

Look at the photo of Bayleigh. I love that one. With her toothers sticking out and that little grin on her face is just priceless. I can't wait to scrap this one. I picked up the perfect papers yesterday to go with this photo.

The other photos were taken at Hidden Lake Gardens. The trees were so pretty that day. Here's one of the photos of the flowers I took, called, dancing ladies I do believe. The other one is just one of me goofing around with one of the dummies that was throughout the gardens. She was a cutie so I had to get one with her.

WEll, I hope everyone has a great Friday. I'm off to take some more photos of the town that I grew up in.

Hugs from a very cold City in MI

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone here........ROTFL. I love the photos, fall is a great time for pictures and you captured the mood wonderfully. I am sure your DD was thrilled with the pumkins you were going to bring home - I know you will be scrapping some of her with them soon.
