
Friday, April 05, 2019

Tilda Viking Note Card

Good Morning.....Happy Friday...I hope everyone's week has been a good one....

If you're looking for this month's challenge, please click here 
Details: We wanted to let you know that you are welcome to use the Paper Nest Dolls in the Challenges now! So that opens it up a bit more. We now have Magnolia, PolkaDoodles, and Paper Nest Dolls! Exciting!

This Month the challenge is to use flowers on your card! Now these could be paper flowers, fabric flowers, foamiran flowers, paper with flowers. Use your imagination and see what you can come up with! So make sure you stop over and enter for a chance to be this month's winner.....
We have some exciting news coming next week....So make sure you stay tuned.... 
Today I'd like to share my DT inspiration project with you...I used this darling viking Tilda image to make a note card.....Enjoy!!!

Inside....I didn't totally finish this...I still need to add some color and a couple stamps...on the left side I only tacked down the edge so I could slide a photo underneath it....
Tim Holtz sticker quote: I'd like to announce that I have no idea what I'm doing....
Well that's all I have for you today...and remember to go and enter our contest for this month....maybe you will be this month's winner....
And don't forget about our exciting news coming next week....
Thank you for stopping by today...I hope you all have a wonderful weekend....Hugs from a rainy Charm City....

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