
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

HDH142 Music Mayhem Challenge

Happy Tuesday bloggers.....I have been trying to post this card since looks like my connection is having a fit I have a card I made for the challenge over at Haunted Design House. I have been asked to be a GD for this month....Thank you so much Masterful Mistress and Minions...It is a real for this week's challenge, we were to create a dark/twisted card using music as your inspiration.....ENJOY!!!!
I made this card using Witchy Woman from the Eagles as my inspiration....I know what you're's not twisted...but I did try to make it dark...I tried to make it seem like she had fire in her eyes and such but it truly didn't not come out as envisioned....KWIM!!!! I used the witch from Starving Artist --stars and crow from Inkadinkado--pot from Studio G...alphha's from Making Memories....distress inks...Stickles...and I used the Tonic distress er tool to scratch the background....
I hope that you all make a mad dash over to see what the Minions have put together this week...they will knock your socks off as they did mine....they are truly--truly artists....Well, that's all I have for today....I hope you all have a sunny day...Hugs from Charm City...


  1. Hi ladybug!!! You couldn't make anything that wasn't utterly fantastic if you tried! Your work is always such an inspiration to me and you're so damn creative! :) Hope you're doing well and enjoying your summer!
    love and hugs, Sharon

  2. Absolutely amazing but then again you have never failed to impress me. I cannot believe all the stuff on your blog. I will have to come back tomorrow morning and have a gander. Love having you back in blogland you are too talented not to be crafting. xxx

  3. This is pretty awesome - love how you put all the images together and I think her witchy bloomers are just too funny :-) Great to have you with us at HDH xx

  4. Love having you at HDH, Chickie! That witch is a total hoot and you've done a fab job with combining stamps for the background. LOVE it! xxD

  5. Holi cow that's creepy! GREAT JOB! ha ha ha ha ha!! Nice to see you creating again. I will be back in September. I have posted periodically but took the summer off. I had no mojo left but I got some back .... there's a reason I'll tell ya later. Keep it up!! Hugs!
