
Sunday, April 01, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Photos

Happy Sunday morning peeps...I know, I know, this post is way over due...I'm sorry, but we have had some family issues come up since we've been back from the beach. This year I went all out with the light ups for our costumes. ENJOY!!!!!!

this was the group that went down to the beach this year for the all very talkative eight of us squeezing into a mini van ~ being shuffled around town~~ LOL~ that poor taxi driver didn't know what he was getting into when he said he'd take all of us~He was jammin to some Bob Marley that really set the
this was Friday night's glass of choice for the ladies..3 different color modes and then one with all of the colors on photo for a direct link...

this was Saturday's glass of choice for the ladies...which I have to say is the perfect size for us...the quality is great and the price is even holds a mixed drink with ice very has a mode for 3 different colors and one for all of the colors like this really is a versatile party can click on the photos and it will take you to website...

now look at that mug there...if that isn't a manly man's cup I don't know what is...this was the cup of choice for the guys...same modes as holds 2 beers and the quality is on photo to go to their site...

~ Me and Hubby~
 ~ Pam Scott and I ~

this was a new addition this year....and they were absolutely awesome inside the club....

just goofin around
 we couldn't leave our buddy
(look at his shoes...these were the ones I made last year..I added more blinky lights to them)
 look at these were both the smash of the's so fun to be able to go away from your everyday life and dress up like dorks and it's worries about anything but letting loose for the weekend...sure you might regret it once you get back home, but it was fun at the time....I call it "REJUVENATING"..KWIM!!!
 Lou ( first timer~now lifer~he even applied for a job at the job fair the next morning~LOL) and Pam (his Mommie)
 I have soooo been eying this costume up the past couple of years...but I figured I wouldn't be able to find anyone to wear it.... I know I wouldn' where your face the would have to pull the mask off (as this poor fella did) off and on all day/night... he was so darling that I might just have to get this anyway and add it to the trunk of St. Patty's goodness that we have....I'll tell ya though, it's getting harder and harder to find hats and different kinds of seems like I already have what companies offer every year now....same 'ol same 'ol...

 this is Lou looking snazzy...I'm telling you, he's a lifer....
Well, I hope you've enjoyed flipping through our weekend....we really had a blast...and we are already planning for next year's weekend.....I just wish each and everyone one of you could come and enjoy it with us....I bet you would end up being a "lifer" like us....LOL....weekend is off season so it is less expensive to stay at a truly is an adult weekend, unlike it is during the season where you have families and young teenagers out...KWIM!!! Give it a thought and if you're interested contact me and I can send you details....
Have a sunny's a gloom one here, but like they say, this too shall pass....Hugs from Charm City....


  1. OMG HA HA HA!! I LOVE THOSE PICTURES! You guys looked AWESOME!! And looks like you had soooooo much fun!! I must buy me some of those glasses. LOVE LOVE LOVE that they light up. Sooooo frickin cool!

  2. OMG!!! However are you gonna top these? You were the first person I thought of on St. Patty's Day. Next year can I come? xxD

  3. Looks like an absolute ball. You guys go all out for St Patrick's Day, love it xx
