
Thursday, June 09, 2011

PaperTake Weekly--Anything Goes

Smack me in the head Batman, it's another card for a Thursday peeps...just think, one day closer to the weekend...not that matters here, just means more work to do with Hubby home....I tell ya, I have been working on redoing our landscape in the flower beds...been digging plants up and relocating them to other beds...trying to get that curb appeal thing going on to mention, that they have just gotten to big for the places I had them planted in....this is what I have been doing these past couple of months (not to mention, taken the master bedroom's closet apart) the same time I had decided to truly do the "DIET" thing once again....and really apply far it's been working...I have gone down 2 sizes in my clothes and it feels great....I was watching an infomercial one morning after work and it totally motivated was the Zumba Training one...have you seen it? Know about this program? I have been reading and talking to others about this and they totally are in love with it....I have yet to get the DVD's or sign up for a class, but I have checked out some DVD's from the library and like them.... *********************
I want to thank everyone that has asked and wondered how I've been all make me smile...thank you...and that really is something I've needed for a time now..... ***************************
I guess when one gets to what we think is middle age, then you look at life through different everything....kwim??? And my health right now is a know, the most important thing to oneself, but tends to get shoved aside in the everyday hustle and bustle of what we call life...a few months back, things were done and said that really made me WAKE UP!!! So this is the first part of me waking to speak...


I have missed everyone here (more than you really can know)...and have truly missed being here that I have been doing research on backyard designs...and in my design that I came up with is a little section that I have designated for a (pirate/beach theme ) mini-golf pad(s)...I know, I know....but I believe that everyone will have some great times playing this all year.... I'm looking to make one that you would find when on vacation...with all the bells and whistles...sound like fun?!!! Lol..


Anywhoo, I've talked your ears off....sorry about that....Here's my entry into this weeks challenge over at PTW anything goes plus one....hop on over and play along this week....ENJOY!!!!!
I truly am sorry about the photo...Me, camera and white spaces are like oil and used a rubber stamp from Kraftin Kimmie (Drucilla)...ain't she perdy....she actually is holding a pin in her right hand, but it got cut off....I used the felt flower roll and pearls from Queen and Co, Prima flower, Cosmo Cricket alpha stickers with stickles and tulle...the finished size is 4 1/2"...
Well blogland...I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend ahead...and thanks again for all your thoughts....Hugs from a very sunny and hot Charm City....


  1. Hi Nancy, super card! I just discovered your blog. I'm in Charm City too. Hope it cools off!

  2. sounds like you've been doin' all the stuff I NEED to be doing. Poor DH had been doing the whole yard sweep thing for over a month and I've barely seen the light of day. as for the "diet" thing...well, let's just say crafting isnt kind to the figure. Started and stopped about 3 or 4 times but at least the weather is lookin' better here so... A huge congrats to you and your accomplishments! Keep up the great work but I'm happy to see you crafting again. A balance, that's what we all need. anyhoo, your card is adorable! I think I have that Kimmie (and alot of Kimmies...somewhere... and haven't used a one. Now to find them. But that's another story... Take care! xxD

  3. P.S. LOVin' the new blog look! xxD

  4. Yay! Nancy's back!! I missed you and your killer works of art. You have always been so inspiring to me. I'm about to do a midlife house cleaning my damn self! I hear ya sistah! Good to see you back and I look forward to seeing more (or less, as the diet goes)of you and your work.
    Like Donna, I am an admirer of your new blog look as well. Very creepy cool!

  5. I am so happy you're back ladybug!!! LOVE your card! Drucilla is so adorable and your card is (as always) amazing! I'm right there with you as far as the midlife thing, and I'm finding that the weight (no matter how much extra I have) doesn't want to come off very easily when you're in your 50's. *sigh* But I keep on keepin' on cause I at least feel better. A huge congrats to you on two sizes!! That's AWESOME my friend!! And big hugs and lots of encouragement to keep it going. It's all about health now. I don't give a shit if I can't wear a bikini. I would just like to live a little longer and enjoy it rather than being sick. Love ya girlfriend!!
    big hugs!

  6. Oh this is so cute!! And wow so happy for you focusing attention on health. That's really tough. 2 sizes?!! That's a lot Nancy! Way to go GF!!! Congrats and keep up the great work!!

  7. It is so good to see you back. I was actually thinking about you the other day and wondering how I hadn't seen any of your fantastic stuff around for a while. Glad to hear you dropped two dress sizes that is brilliant keep up the good work. Most importantly take care and hope to seeing more of your amazing stuff x
