
Sunday, March 06, 2011

Over the Years--St. Patrick's Day

Well it's a gloomy Sunday morning here on the east coast. I hope that you all are waking up to sunshine coming into your windows....or have had a sunny day for those of you who are ahead of me in time.....
Today I thought I would share some photos that will truly make you believe my DH and I are NERDS!!!!!!! In every aspect of the I'll tell ya, this is a yearly thing we do, for ourselves mostly,and we have a blast. We have gotten friends and family to come and hang out with us for the weekend over the years at the beach ( Seacrets Beach Party) . It's just a revitalization for the soul. We get to hang out with friends, make new acquaintances, and act like silly teenagers dressing up for St. Patty's Day. In the photos below, this is what we looked like each year...ENJOY!!!!!!
our first year...not so much garb but I did make a mask ( I know I'm weird) and attached it to my hat using Velcro...I did this so that I wouldn't have to wear the mask all night....I even got on the evening news this year....another 5 seconds of made a ST. Patty's Day purse that's on my arm out of an old cigar box....
next year...added more stuff...had a blast...I will never put tattoo's on my face again...they were really hard to get off....loved the beer goggles...
DH didn't learn much about the year before with the tattoo's on his can barely see my shamrock boobies I added to this shirt....but they are like the coconut ones..I drilled a hole in the center of the shamrock and added a flameless light up candle to each one as a lighted nipple ( I know--I'm weird once loved this...when DH and I walk around the place, everyone makes us stop so they can get photos with's so cool to see what everyone else does....more and more people are dressing up....and to think, we really aren't even we're having a blast at trying to be.....
this was more and more garb---a ton of light-up stuff.....and many many woo woo'
this is last year's...I think this is the best...I absolutely love how DH looks here....and I've even talked him into using the beard again....with a little twist that I'm adding this year....I can't wait to finish what I'm working on....if they turn out, they will be
Well I thought I'd show some of our crazy St. Patty's Day's only a week away for us....this time next week we will be hung over and on our way back to reality...but we will also have memories of our little getaway just the two of us.....I think it's something every couple needs at least once a year....where you can connect and just cherish each other without the cares of the world on your shoulders.....
I hope everyone has a sunny day. Thanks so much for stopping in....get a chance stop over at SEACRETS ( click on site map at top and down to images and check out the scrapbook of photos) and see why we go truly is Jamaica USA....something for everyone...even the kiddies.....Hugs from Charm City...


  1. So happy to see you visit my blog, honey bunch! Been missing you! I hear ya about neeeding some family time. I keep considering... anyway, I always look forward to your St Pat's pix and I agree, hubby's beard is FABULOUS and he MUST use it again. Can't wait to see what you come up with this year. Love your new blog design and your new pic. WOW, your hair is getting long! Enjoy your time away! xxD

  2. What fun photos!! I agree Hubby must uses beard again this year.. Its so cute.. Looking forward to this years photo.. Hugs, Linda

  3. Hey, Nancy, thanks for popping over to my blog. You guys look like you have such a blast. I LOVE Seacrets but have not been in so long. My uncle lives in FL. Every year, he dresses up like a leprachaun. Since he is only about 5'1" tall, he looks authentic. It's awesome! I'm glad you guys have such fun!

  4. Hey lady! What fun pics of what appears to be a BLAST!! Wish I lived closer to that kind of fun and shenanigans.
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. hahahahaha These are a crack-up - you guys have sooooo much fun!
