
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

DudeTime Doodles--Inspiration Challenge--No Cards

WOOTY WOOT!!! Can you believe we are in for another challenge at DudeTime Doodles....for this challenge you make anything but a card and made for a Dude.....and you take your inspiration from the photo below or the projects that we've made over at DTD.........ENJOY!!!!!!!!

inspiration photo...when I looked at this photo I instantly thought, look at all those guys...and what better way to portray the male gender by making something that they love to do......drink beer....I needed something for my Brother-inlaw's 40th birthday in a couple of months.....

and here's what I came up's a bag, money holder and a card....I used these way cool images from Bonibleaux Designs.......Ahoy Matey Set and the Ice Bucket..... here's the card....I used the ice bucket...colored it in with distress inks added a label from Spellbinder's and used s piece of printed transparency (unknown)....paper is from My Mind's Eye.. I love how the print on the paper at the top really goes along with the and here's the little bag....I just made one out of cardstock, added the pattern paper , same as above.....Ahoy Matey I colored in with Marvy Markers.....I also stamped a Tim Holtz stamp onto shrink plastic and made a charm......
here's a closer view of the charm and the transparency over top of the ice bucket...
and here's the little money holder I concocted using a paper mache I used the other image in the Ahoy Matey set....what better way to start the evening out but with some drink piece of transparency and pattern paper...I used Tim Holtz metal numbers and metal door handle....
here's what it looks like as you pull the handle up.....more Tim Holtz products...and the spool that I wrapped the money onto is one I had from those little spools.....
here's it all the way out....I added more chain and a guitar pic that shows a different kind of picture when that little find from the local 7-11 store....and another one of those metal flip tabs from Karen Foster....
just a closer view......
and here's the whole sha-bang..I wanted this to make noise inside so he would have no at the skeleton guitar pick.....then look at the one below.......woot woot!!!! lol....
looks like he's even enjoying a
Well thank's for stopping in today.....make sure you check out what the rest of the Dudette's came up with.....and then join in....what does that inspiration photo say to you.....Hugs from Charm City.....


  1. Nancy, this whole set is amazing! You really outdid yourself this time.

  2. Totally amazing!! Love all the fun details you've added to this.

  3. Truely AMAZING!!! Love all the details - and looks like so much work!!! Terrific project. Love it.

  4. Nancy! This is awesome!!! I LOVE the money tin! And that guitar pick (where is it from?). Man, I'd love to get a look at what goes on in that head of yours! Truly awesome projects!!
    You ROCK!

  5. OMG! Really Nancy? Love it all - the money holder is beyond cool though. I wish I could live in your brain for just one day!

  6. Hi ladybug!!!! I've sooo missed being by to see you! This is so freakin' fantastic! You are amazing and you blow me away every time I visit! Dang girl, you are talented!!!! Hope you're doing well!
    love ya!

  7. Just fabulous and oh so clever!

  8. WOWZERS girl this post should come with a warning of amazing! I just loooove what you have made, you are one talented gal that is for sure! Amazing!


  9. Nancy, this is the COOLEST project of them all! Clever girl to come up with all these projects. Compliments!!

  10. OMG!!!!! How do you do it!? and for a guy!!!!! man are they lucky to have you on their team! and where do you get all the unbelievably cool stuff? Honestly girly I'm speechless! (well, obviously not quite! LOL) xxD

  11. HOLI CRAP NOW THAT IS FRIGGIN COOL!! That guitar pick is something else!! I like the transparencies and your paper. Fabulous FABULOUS job Nancy!

  12. Hi Nancy,
    my first time popping by and wow this is an amazing creation i wouldn't want to give it away and i hope your brother realises how much work went into it x
    so cool!
    Suzie Qx

  13. Now my guys want one of their very own! LOL This has been such a fun project to look at. All the little details and added goodies! Just keeps you coming back to spot more surprises! Excellent!

  14. Bloomin cool as!!! YOu are one talented lady x

  15. Oh My Goodness - what a FABULOUS gift! Great job with this challenge!
