
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

DudeTime Doodles Blog Hop

hello blogland.....if you've come here from DTD then you're on the right track...
Today is the day for this month's bloghop over at DudeTime Doodles. While you are hopping be sure to leave some love - one of the Design Team Members will be secretly chosen as the "MYSTERY HOSTESS" of the blog hop and one lucky commenter will receive one of our new release images for free or any individual image of their choice. This Blog Hop does not have a starting and ending point so no matter where you HOP on you are in the right place. Just keep going. Don't forget to leave some love everywhere you land, including here! Once you have gone full circle you have completed the Hop. We have eight new images to share with you this month and as you hop along we're sure that there will be something that inspires you! Here's the list on case you get lost.....ENJOY!!!!!! Nancy (you are here) Tammy (next) Theresa Fink Anne Cleota Ruth Hetty Boni Lynn Shelly Chrissy D. Dude Time Doodles
I am sad to say that this is my last post for DudeTime Doodles. I have decided to step down. I want to thank Boni and the Dudettes. You all are amazing and very sweet. Thank you for such great images Boni to play with each week. I love all of them....

here's what I came up with. I used these fun images (Brad Ball and Chain and Breast Cancer Girl ) and made a Valentine's Day Gift Hat with a pull out tag for saying.... the flower is a zipper...Spellbinders dies, EK Success circle punch, Recollections border punch, Lil Davis wooden numbers, Making Memories adore metal tag and metal rose and some odds and ends from my stash.....

and lookie--here he is...Mr. Brad Ball and Chain in all his really love his expression....he's a new image that you can purchase from the store.....

here's the opening...I used a flower that I made from scoring a 12" x 3/4" piece of cardstock and score at 1/2" all the way down....then just mountain/valley fold and flip down to make the flower....I made two of these....the bottom is held together with brads....this let's it open and I used one for the front to, but I am rethinking that...not the best closure....
here's the greeting on the inside...
here's a closer view of the zipper flower...I just cut off the bottom of the zipper, and rolled both pieces (back to back) into the flower and glue to a 1" circle punch....I also added a metal swirl clip and a Tim Holtz button....
and here the back where the tag pulls out pull the flower up....
I also added a zipper that you can pull down for the tag as well.... tag and the zipper pulled down.... here's my concoction that I hung from the zipper pull....I love me some Tim Holtz used the little memo pin and twisted it to use as a hanger....I also hung an acrylic hearts on fishing line and sandwiched it between 2 layers of the metal sprockets...
here's what the metal memo pins look like....
Well I hope you enjoy your hop. Next up on the list is the vary sweet Tammy....make sure you stop by and see what she's made for your eye candy......Thanks for stopping in today...Hugs from Charm City........


  1. ABSOLUTELY AWSOME, Nancy. You saved the best for last. I am so sorry to see you go, but I quess we meet in cyberspace somewhere.
    Your project is beautiful with all thes wonderful details. I had to look again and again to see everything! SUPER!!

  2. Ohhhh WOW! This is FANTASTIC! SO many little details. WELL DONE!

  3. What an imagination you have! Terrific project!

  4. Wow! This is wonderful! Great ideas with the zippers, I would not even have thought of using them!

  5. Amazing!! So much fun details and the zipper flowers are going to be the rage this year (my prediction :) ). Sorry to see you go, but we'll catch up in blogland.

  6. are very creative. You definitely think "outside the card."

    Teresa Y.

  7. Simply a work of ART!!! Just amazing and so cute. Love all those details.
    Sorry to see you leave DTD and you'll be so missed. Be sure and pop back over from time to time.

  8. I have no idea where to even start...this creation is fabulous...and your attention to all the little details is incredible! Everytime I look I see a little something else that I missed the first time! Thank you so much for sharing this...and good luck on whatever you decide to do when you leave Dude Time Doodles.

  9. You come up with some of the most amazing projects! We'll miss you!

    DTD Dudette

  10. OH WOW. This is amazing All those zips and other bits and bobs. I'm spellbound

  11. Love your creation! This is my first time even KNOWING about DudeTime Doodles... I am blown away by their guy images!

  12. What a creative project- love all of the details- the zipper flower is great- and all of the Tim Holtz elements too. I enjoyed meeting you at DTD and hope to see you in blogland!

  13. I don't know WHERE you come up with your ideas!! I mean WOW!!! You are in a league all your own. So sad to see you stepping down but I can't wait to see some of the creations you might make when you are just playing and have no deadlines. Enjoy!

  14. I am completely speechless!!! This is so wonderful, it's gorgeous! I will miss you being with us because your work always makes my jaw drop!

  15. Holy Crap! That is amazing. Have to look over and over to see all the little details. You're like the Stephen King of papercrafting!!(thats a compliment, LOL. He's my fav author, but I still have no conception of where his ideas come from)
    Sorry to see you stepping down.

  16. This is so OTT, stunning girl, love all the detail !! Hugs for whatever you will doing next, do come and visit!! lotsa luv T

  17. Holy CRAP! I'm gonna have to study this awhile to drink in all of your unbelievable creativity and detail. I'm getting kinda worried though, you okay? xxD

  18. fascinating project! very creative and thought-provoking!

  19. Girl you come up with some of the BEST projects! You blow me away each time! AWESOME!!
