
Sunday, December 05, 2010

Tiddly Inks Christmas Time Challenge

Well Hellooooo...this is my third post for today ( I know-can you believe it)...I have been dying to get a challenge done in over at Tiddly Inks, but sometimes life doesn't allow for the things we want....but I did however get this one in...and I truly love how it turned out (for the most!!!!
You all know how much I "love" to add lighting to my cards/projects not to mention "windows"... Well it was time I made something for Christmas. I really love how this little penquin (this is just one in a set of 4 to this image) is inside looking out at Frosty. I used Krylon Frosted Glass finish and sprayed on top of the transparency that I used to make the gives it that semi see through from Making Memories, lights (EK Success)and tinsel from Michaels...bamboo skewers from grocery store...gotta love cheap finds like these...
side view of what's going on
here's the inside scene with the Bah Huggabug's and Christmas Joy. Images are from Tiddly Inks....Christy has such a way with her images that I just love....the fireplace, rug, backboard and outlets are from Starving Artist....Paper is from Cosmo can see the light at the top here...I just cut an X in the crease and slipped in a light that is from Martha Stewert. I love this cuz it is easy to turn on and off the light and even replace it if necessary.... here's the outside front with it lighted ...truly love how the frosted glass finish gives it such a soft glow.....
just a side view lighted....
look at Christmas Joy in there....she could bring joy to anyone's holiday....
Well that is all and I mean have for today...I am off and running agian today to try and finish what we started yesterday......I truly hope everyone has a lovely day and thanks again for stopping in......Hugs from Charm city...


  1. Oh, my goooddddddnnneesss! You are a crazy talented lady!!! LOL
    That is an amazing set of loveliness!!!
    Love it!!

  2. Wow this card is really amazing! Love all the details you added on the front with the lights and the inside is also amazing! Great card. Thanks so much for joining us at the Tiddly Inks challenge.


  3. KER-THUNK!! One of many times you've made my jaw hit the floor!! WOZERS this is so much fun to look at and ♥ the lighting factoid!!! The frosted glass is so smart! Gorgeous project my friend!

  4. Are you KIDDING ME!!!!? Just thought you'd sneak this in, eh? Bet you've been working on this for DAYS! LOVE it when you do the light ups! Fabulous, girlie! xxD

  5. That is such a cool card! I love all the scenes & detail. Great job!

  6. Five stars for this one! Amazing.

  7. You are simply amazing. That's all... I have no other words :)

  8. OH my WOWZERS - Fantastic - so many cute Tiddlies!!! Love this - thanks for playing with us at Tiddly Inks!

  9. omg Nancy!!!! this is just absolutely awesome hun!!!! i adore how muchwork you put into it,just wow!!!! Thankyoufor joining in the tiddly inkers fun!! hugs Lou xxx

  10. OMG - this is absolutely stunning, clever, artistic - you couldn't buy a card like this - definately a super brill card. I'm almost gobsmacked!!!

    Paula x x x

  11. Talk about thinking outside the box, this card is amazing! So glad you finally got to play along this week at Tiddly Inks!

  12. Girl you totally AMAZE me! It is creations like this that make me come back for more and more!! Are you selling these? If not you should!
