
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tiddly Inks Christmas Challenge--Again

Ok blogland...I just couldn't help myself with making another card for the challenge over at TI. It's such a fun challenge, and boy do I need fun right now in my know, I truly love this time of year...but I really hate the lead up to all of the decorating and buying of gifs. Just the stress of it all. So I try to find some fun things in there to offset the bad, the ugly, the can't get out of "the must get done things"before family and friends grace you with their presence on Christmas filled day that it is, but it's still with that being said, I hope that this will bring a smile to your face and brighten your day....I know it does mine when I hear this song, at which is our family favorite song....I'm sure this will change as our little one gets older and older, but for now, we just love to hear this song and really crank up the radio when it comes!!!!
Now you say, what the heck is this....Can you guess what song it is? I'm not going to tell you, but you will have to click the link below to find out.....
I used Christy's check my list twice and hip hip hooray from the store. Tim Holtz flower die--dry embossed with embossing folder and then turned around and wet embossed using Tim Holtz distressed embossing ink. I totally love the texture it gives to the petals...colored everything in with Prisma pencils and added some distress stickles to the hat and dress....paper from SEI...I just love that the paper was like already had the scene in place for me....wooty woot woot!! Making Memories for the center of the flower.....
just a closer view of the flower...I cut this 3 times in white, embossed the top flower using the cuttlebug, added red and green inks to them, then embossed.
I love the dimension that the distress stickles leaves after it dries....I did merge the hippo's with the thinking balloon (sorry, can't remember where I got this one from) using Microsoft Word and printed it out onto white paper. Added stickles around the border....
come listen and see sure you tell me what song it is....
Well that's all I have for today. Make sure to stop in tomorrow for my project for Stamp It Crazy....Another great challenge.....
Thanks for stopping in and have a sunny day!!!! Hugs from Charm City......


  1. Well look at you! TWO entries this week! This really did put a smile on my face because I'm with you, chickie, STRESS is my middle name this time of year. (And here every year I tell myself I'm gonna be on top of things. Yeah right!) this is so stinkin' cute and I love the both of your songs gave me a chuckle! xxD

  2. I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas. Great song to go with such a darling card.

  3. Stress what Stress? HAHAHAHA
    Ok, so this is my all time favorite song, I just bought the hippo images to use in my card too. HAHA
    Great minds think alike! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh just gorgeous, brilliant Xmas card

  6. You are nothing short of GENIUS!!! Genius I tell you! :)

  7. Such a funny card! I didn't know the song, but I listened it and it such a cute song. Your card is really awesome!


  8. awww this is a cutie too and thankyou so much for the song linky, my little mo thought it was awesome!! hugs Lou xxx

  9. This is amazingly clever!!! I love it and of course your coloring is fabulous!! Perfect card Nancy! Thanks for playing at Tiddly Inks!

  10. I LOVE this song. I even bought it on itunes. I want a hippopotomus for christmas...who wouldn't? Your card is so adorable. I knew the song as soon as I saw it. Thanks!

  11. This is super duper adorable, LOVE it! Thanks for joining the Tiddly Inkers!!
