
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

PaperTake Weekly--Sketch #51 Challenge

Woot Woot!!! It's another week for a great challenge over at PTW. This week we are doing a sketch challenge...It's a simple but good one....and we are being sponsored by Simon Says Stamp. They offer a wide range of hop on over and see what kind of Christmas goodies you can get......ENJOY!!!!!!
here's the fun is this...the possibilities are so endless....
and this is what I came up's a 2"'s that time of year and I love to make home made boxes and things to stuff presents in for my family and friends...I'm thinking this set will go to my nephew who's 13...maybe not though....anywho, I used the sketch on the card and sort of on the milk carton....the stamps are Darcie's (#pol 12 set) except for the tag those are from Studio G....and the template for the milk carton came from here....remember I posted a box I made the other day for Stamp It Crazy (just scroll down and you can see it)? Well I found the link and you can go and make one yourself....but for the milk carton I used the same directions for the big box and just added an extra score mark.....and then kind of folded in the sides a bit to form a carton.....and this my friend was found by making a mistake when I was following the directions....I really like how big this is...the other cartons are abit smaller in size and you can't pack as much stuff inside them.....
here's the card....I just love this snowman pirate.....I just kept this real simple since a teenager is going to get it....they normally are all about the gift and not the colored in the images with Prisma Pencils.....
the carton...I just folded down the tab at the top (which is actually one of the score marks on the instructions) and added a clip to keep it together....
here's a side view.....I truly love how this turned out....and I'm sure you'll be seeing more of these this holiday season...hope you don't get to sick of them.....
Well, I want to thank you for stopping in today...make sure you stop and see what the rest of the team has created...they always amaze me week after week with their creativity.....Hugs from Charm City....


  1. fabulous creations Nancy :-) the pirate snowman is fab and the papers and colours are perfect ,, love the carton gift box too ,,, am sure your nephew will love this !! :-)

    Lols x x x

  2. Wonderful box and fun matching card. Very clever.

  3. You make the coolest boxes EVA! Love the pirate snowman and the cute sentiments! xxD
