
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Stamp It Crazy Challenge #5 Girly Girl

WOOT WOOT!!!! Happy Sunday blogland....This week the challenge over at SIC is to make a card/project that is a girly girl using butterflies -- flowers and glitter....ENJOY!!!!!!!
here I used the Savanna1 digi from the Stamp It Crazy Store......if you scroll down you'll see her....doesn't she just have the sweetest little innocent face......and make sure you check out the rest of the digi's....I know Barb has been adding new ones to the store....and then pop over and take a peek at the rubbah....there's some awesome ones there too.....Well that's all I have for this lovely Sunday morning....stop by and check out the rest of the teams designs at SIC.......have a sunny kind of day....hugs from Charm City......


  1. OOOhh Nancy! Lots of yummy bling goin' on here in true girly girl style! Love it! xxD

  2. GREAT job Nancy! LOVE the way you flipped the image and how you blinged out her clothes!!
