
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Paper Take Weekly Photo Inspiration Challenge

This week we are being sponsored by Wiff of Joy at Paper Take Weekly . The photo below is what you need to use to make a project/card for this week's photo inspiration challenge. I tell you, I had alot of fun. I have always stayed away from this type of challenge because I never knew if I was doing it right or not. But this week, I jumped right in and just went with what ever came to mind......ENJOY!!!!!!
Now look at this photo....bright and cheery, not to mention very colorful. But what I took away from this photo was the way the pillows/shape and the tray were positioned. Although one of the pillows is a little wonky, I didn't do that with my project......and I used the color purple.....
And here is what I came up with....a Big sized candy bar wrapper for Halloween using one of those darling digi's from Simply Betty's new line of Punky Teens. This was such an easy but fun project to make.....paper is from DCWV--distress inks and stickles.....
here's what is looks like with the candy taken out....well that all I have for today.....make sure you stop over at Wiff of Joy and check out their shop. They really have some darling stamps and other goodies in their store. Then stop back by Paper Take and check out the other designers creation and see where their creativity went with this photo....Have a great Tuesday...Hugs from Charm City.....


  1. this is possibly my fave from that range of stamps she is super cute love how you made her green and the papers are gorgeous the whole thing is as expected from you AMAZING! (Although it is funny how you guys call chocolate candy hehe maybe you think we are funny for not!!) xx

  2. Oh Nancy! Too cute girlie! I always love visiting your blog and seeing how your awesome mind works! LOVE IT! HUGS!

  3. REALLY...Love everything about this! I'm scraplifting!

  4. Too cute! An I'm craving the chocolate! Adorable take on the challenge. (I wanna come trick or treating at your house! xxD
