
Sunday, August 01, 2010

Stamp It Crazy Challenge

Happy Sunday Peeps....
I wanted to pop in here and share these 2 cards I made for the challenge over at Stamp It Crazy's blog. Barb is giving away some great candy---RUBBAH baby!!! Lol... If by chance you haven't made it to the store yet, you really should. She has some great images that's all rubbah but then she offers some just as awesomely (is that even a word...) digi stamps....The 2 images I used below are digi's....I had seen that she had another challenge posted so I went searching for a couple new images to play with.......ENJOY!!!!!!
There's quite a story behind these two cards. I actually first started making the card below. Then I decided I didn't like it and made another card....same thing with this one, I didn't like where it was going. So I went back to the other card to try and "find my way" on it and then started to work on this card at the same time all the time coming and going from working around the house......I told you--there was a story behind these......then one day I came across a video with Diana Crick using the score buddy and decided to try it to see if that would work for me on the black cardstock on the card there's the border, very simple but I like it.........I used my Making Memories paper distresser wheel and followed the groves on the buddy....and walah!!! Great technique...I'm going to use this more often, I ended up with two cards so I thought I would just post both of them....
this sweet digi is called Dorrie....I thought she was fun....and then I came across this one liner on the net, and thought it was perfect for a friend card....a friend giving another advice on a husband/boyfriend/guy situation....get my you can't convince them (by talking) then confuse them (with big bubbies)....we all know how men thought this was a perfect quote for this image...
this is a free-standing card....I used the instructions over on SCS but I added an inch to my short side of the cardstock to make this card wider...I'm so sorry, I did write the dimensions down but I lost my scratch paper somewhere in this mess..... here's the card folder flat... ................................................................................. and here's my second card...a little playful and cute for a young'n for Halloween....the colors weren't happening for me though....I think it's how dark the sky ended up...I don't know....this ended up being a slider card to....if you know me, you know I love dimension and anything that image I used is called bighandfrank.......isn't he just so cool? ..... click on his name and scroll down and you'll see him....I used another joke and background haunted house photo (coloring page) from the internet....
this is the open view with the answer...........
just a side view of card opening.....
Well that's all I have come on by at Stamp It Crazy blog, there's still a few hours left to play along......I'm off and running once again....we're still in the middle of re-organizing inside and out....we have our little one's birthday bash coming this month on top of a few other's.....have a great Sunday!!!!! Hugs from a very sweet Charm City....


  1. HOW CUTE ARE THESE!!! I love both of them, and you did a wonderful job on Dorris....Good Luck!

  2. Lord have mercy these are so spectacular! Beth

  3. WOWsers girl - where do you come up with these amazing ideas - you are one INCREDIBLE crafter!

  4. How could you not like where these were going in the beginning? They are both fabulous! Your coloring and design are both just wonderful, Nancy!

  5. OH! I'm loving these as always!! Boy you are so good at what you do! Hugs!

  6. Nancy, do you ever SLEEP? FAB cards! Guess your imagination keeps you up at night. LOL xxD
