
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tiddly Inks Challenge 14--Sketch It

WEll hellloooo blogland....I know, it's late here on the east coast, but since I'm still up I wanted to post my card/box for the Tiddly Inks Sketch Challenge. Bur first I'd like to say thank you to Christy and the awesome DT over there for the Halloween in July Blog Hop yesterday. What I have been able to see so far have been crazy cute and so fun. I'm still making my rounds, I do want to see everyone's projects....if you haven't stopped by, hop over and check out all of the projects.... Now this weeks challenge was to use the sketch below and make something using one of the digi's that you can get in the here's what I came up with....ENJOY!!!!!!!
here's the sketch....
I originally started to use the sketch on the card. First off let me start by saying this is a 4.5X4.5" card and envie box. It's a very small canvas to work when I started on the card I made a happy mistake when I went to cut the circle out from the cuttlebug...the die slipped after I had embossed and instead of cutting a circle it only cut about 80% of it....which left me with a door to what I mean about a happy mistake.... This is the outside of the envie box.....I used the sketch here with the darling Pearl. Look at how cute she is...she's the perfect addition to any summer I used her for a Thank You card for my neighbor....I hope she'll like it....
here's the side view of the envie box.....
back showing with closure....only the beige ribbon ties...the orange is glued down....
front of card with door opened....I added a piece of tulle in front of the star fish.....
here I used the Karen Foster brads to run ribbon through as a closure for the card....
and here are the instructions to make the box.....I got these from the Internet somewhere but for the life of me I can't remember where.....if you can understand this and make something like this, I'd love for you to share.....
Well that's all I have tonight....I hope you get a chance to stop by and check out the other's projects at Tiddly Inks Challenge Blog.......have a great evening...Hugs from Charm City.........


  1. Wow Nancy another super project! I love this image and the sparkle on her tail is gorgeous!Thanks for box instuctions too :)

  2. This is such a cute project! LOVE how you detail everything :) And CONGRATULATIONS on the TI Guest DT gig... you ARE amazing :)

  3. You never cease to amaze me girlfriend! wow is this crazy cute! xxD

  4. Wowie this is amazing!!! I cannot wait to see all you wonderful works of art next month! Beth

  5. Unbelievable Nancy!!! So many congrats on the August DT position!!!

    So excited for you and can't wait to see your creations!!

    Crafty Hugs!

  6. Aren't you just so clever...that is a nice mistake. LOL

  7. Wow awesome project! Pearl is looking great! Thanks for joining us at Tiddly Inks.


    PS. I am looking forward to working with you in the TI team! :)

  8. Another awesome creation from you, Nancy! I love the starfish on the inside! FABULOUS and so creative!!!!!!

  9. Holy Schmoly!! This is FAB! We should think about doing something like this for a tutorial and special event project on one of the forums or Facebook and then pick a winner to send the actual card to! How much fun would that be? LOL
