
Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day---and an update

I wanted to wish all of you Mother's and Mother's to be a wonderful Happy Mother's Day!!!! I hope you all have an enjoyable day!!!! An update--- the week before last, our water heater took a turn for the worse. Really bad. I was in our little one's room and noticed that her floor was wet so I, being a Mom, went to investigate. Well I didn't like what I found. Our water heater was leaking. We couldn't tell for how long, but her floor was soaked and mold had started to settle in. It had gotten to her carpet, walls and even her bedroom set. In the area that joins up with the wall for the heater is where her desk sits..her set contains the bed that is on top, with a desk that joins on one end and a bookshelf at the other end, and then the bottom bed that comes out that faces outwardly from the top's like a bunk bed but the bottom bed we took out and left her with a cubbie hole like underneath her bed on top....did that make sense...anywhoo, you just couldn't tell that water was coming in her room....I think it ruined her bedroom set, and I know that we need to lay more carpet and maybe even the walls...the insurance guy came out but we haven't heard back from them yet...We went a purchased a new heater, got it put in the next day but it ended up needless to say, we are back on track and it has taken me a few days to play catch up with house hold chores and what not's around here...... So, this week I am hoping to play catch up with everything here in blog land...I miss you all so much....and thank goodness that blogger has a scheduled post thingie ...hence my post for Burtonesque's first challenge...have you been over there yet? Our first challenge was on stripes...come on over and play along...and have you seen what the DT has made for this challenge? I tell ya, them Dolls just RAWK!!!! They did a fantastic job with the digi's and the hop on over to the blog and check them out....Our next challenge is this coming make sure you come back and see what it is....and be ready to play along.... Yesterday was the first day that I was able to sit in here. I had planned on blog hopping, but I realized that I had not even made my Mother's Day I spent the morning working on them. The cards posted below are for my mother and both my mother-in-laws. How cool is that..I have not one but 3 mother's....and I feel like I am the luckiest person in the world. They are all just so awesome. You know what they say about in-laws. Well I have to admit I have the best in-laws in the world. Not to mention My Mommy...I know, I'm an oldie ( but a kid at heart), she is still my!!!!!!
I am soooo hooked on feathers right now!!!!! Can ya tell!!!! Papers are from American Crafts and the orange flowered paper is from Basic Grey....
I just loved this rick rack when I purchased it, but never found a way to use it until now....
do you think black is appropriate? I really loved this Basic Grey paper and wanted to use it........the heart charm in the center is actually from our little one's girlfriend's bracelet that had broken here one night....we couldn't fix it, so she was just going to throw all of the pieces away....helloooooo, not in my house. We don't throw away things like that....we keep just added the beads and a pin to the ends.....
Well that' s all I have for this morning....remember to have a wonderful time with your families today....Hugs from a chilly Charm City....


  1. Oh Nancy, what a bummer! Nothin' worse than water leaks! Hope you were able to enjoy Mother's Day none the less. ALL of your cards are just beautiful. The sentiments are very special and I LOVe the featherS! Super touches for what sounds like super Moms. xxD

  2. Oh Nancy that is such a hassle to deal with. I feel for you. I love the feathers!! My mother's day card wasn't even bloggable. LOL!! Well at least to my standards anyway. We had just got back from our trip at 1am Sat. night and it took me hours to make it and it turned out looking like crap but whatever. She loved it. I suppose it almost doesn't matter what it looks like when you get something homemade.
