
Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Just flying by Kraftin Kimmie Challenge #20

It's SUNNY here and it's lovely. I can't believe we have gotten past winter, finally. Yesterday, well even this past weekend, was just beautiful. I hope you all have the pleasure of having such wonderful weather that we have. On a lighter note, the following project/birthday card I made for the challenge over at Kraftin Kimmie's blog. The challenge was to use some of that unloved stash and show it some love. Well we all know I just love doing this. So this challenge was right up my alley. Everything I used on here was old with the exception of the stamp Emelia and plane and bling.... That's right, with Kimmie stamps you get that little extra stamp that goes along with the bigger one. I love pop on over to the store and check out the stamps. She even posts cards to give you ideas from her DT with each store photo of the stamp.... She is getting ready to release some new ones pretty soon. I tell ya, I can't wait...I just love these stamps.... And if you get a chance, stop by and play along with the challenge this week. You know you all have some of that unloved stash that you can use for the challenge...after all, we all are hoarders..I know I am really bad at Just flying by to's party time---easel card/drawer gift box This is the front of the easel card it measures 5 1/4" X 5 1/4"....paper is from Seven Gypsies and road sign from Karen Foster...I added Glossy Accents to the plane and the goggles... this is the card standing open and the little drawers opened...there are a total of 4 drawers to you can use to add little trinkets inside....
side view....I also used some chain from Magic Scraps and little coins that I have had forever...not to mention those little brad prong thingies...that's how I attached the was a pain, but I wanted that little extra something instead of a button of brad to open the drawers....I used some little wooden buttons and candle top holders and painted them then added them as feet to bring the box up off the table.....
the little it's party time is one of those little flip tabs from Karen Foster that I just trimmed off the flip tab...made this into a pull out little gift card holder....
I have had these little bottles forever to. Not to mention the little hinge brad thingies from Karen Foster...can you tell I just love Karen Foster bottle slips in/out of the little cage that I made using the hinges....I took a scrap piece of paper, wrote a message and rolled it up and stuck it can actually add money to the inside also....
Well that's all I have for today....thanks for stopping by and come back tomorrow, I've got a great Magnolia card to share.......hugs from Charm City....


  1. OMG OMG OMG!!!! I think my jaw dropped about three inches when I saw this! Oh I love how you say "that's all I have for today!" LMBO! This, THIS is soooooo NANCY!!!! If Kimmie were smart (and I'm pretty sure she is, LOL!) she would grab you up in a heartbeat for her design team. You and Kraftin Kimmie Moonlight Whispers line were MADE for each other. This is so Nancy that I can hardly stand it! I don't know how you do it, and I wish I could get just a smidgen of your talent! Candle top holders for the feet of your treasure chest? This is soooo danged gorgeous! I'm so totally excited about this piece! I can't wait to see what Kimmie says about it! LOL! FANTASTIC, Nancy! FANTASTIC!!!!! Oh and just in case you couldn't tell....I frickin' LOVE this!!!! LOL!
    big hugs!

  2. OMG Nancy! Pick me up off the floor! This is so so FABULOUS!!!!!I don't know even where to begin. I'm acutally speechless. Holy crap, girl, you've outdone yourself!!!!!!!! (And that's saying ALOT!) xxD

  3. WOWZERS, Nancy! At first glance I thought it was just a card. Was I ever wrong! This is amazing! Love all of those little doo-dads and thingies! How you got that bling to work on such distressed papers is beyond me... but it DOES work! Truly amazing! I am now digging through and dusting off some old stuff so I can play along! Thanks for the wonderful inspiration, girl!

  4. Wow, wow, wow, all of the above and more!!! I have never visited your blog before - just saw this fabulous creation on Card of the Week and had to stop over and compliment you. I made one of these boxes a couple of months ago but yours is about a thousand times more incredible!! What an amazing project - everything is so well thought out and just flows together. An absolute treasure for the person who receives it.

  5. HOLY CANOLI!!! This is simply incredible, Nancy!! My goodness....what a work of art! It must have taken you hours! At first glance I thought it was an awesome card....then I scrolled down!! Absolutely amazing!!!

  6. wow wow wow This is amazing x x x

  7. WOWZERS!!! Nancy, this is absolutely phenomenally stunning and super duper gorgeous, hun! I am totally in awe,WOW!!! this is just such an incredible project that you have many fabulous details and of course Emilia looks stunning and I love the glossy accents on her plane...who ever is lucky enough to receive this stunning creation, is sure to be thrilled to bits with it....just gorgeous!!!!!

  8. Wow!! Nancy, this is absolutely amazing, yep, I'd love just a touch of your talent too. I think you have enough to go around for all of us. At this point I'm unsure as to whether I'm inspired or want to give it all up as a bad job!! So fabulous!!

  9. What an amazing project! All the details are so fabulous!!!

  10. This is AMAZING!!!!! THUD! Just picked myself off the floor! WOW!!!!!
