
Monday, March 29, 2010

6 Cards and a Layout

Happy rainy that's it's happy here, but it is rainy...I have to say that I got the bug...the flu bug that this will be short and sweet. I just needed to get up out of bed and sit instead of laying I thought I'd share these cards and a layout that I made last week. It seems like I have just been posting once a week with everything that I've made the previous week. So I hope you all don't mind it all at once.... Well I'm off and back to bed for abit. I hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead and many many thanks for stopping by and for your comments. They all make my day!!!!! Hugs from Charm City.......ENJOY!!!!!!
this is DH and our little grandbaby on a visit here a couple years back when we all went on vacation to the beach....I still need to add the journaling to finish it....I also made this using a sketch from Jana's Sketches...pop on over and check them out...they are all very inspiring...
this one turned out way busy....don't know if I like the outcome or not yet....
this was made with a no holds bar...what ever I grabbed that's what went on this card....old SEI paper and remember those deco scissors? Yep, I used them instead of the border punches...
and I have to say that I just love this little fella...he's a digi stamp from Dustin Pike. I just adore all of his digi's, but haven't used them yet. I made this into a paper piecing and used it for a card....isn't he just the cutest....
here's a cute little card I made with a stamp I received from Kimmie for winning her challenge a few weeks back. She is just so darling....thanks Kimmie...I really loved the package you sent's the link to the store if you wanted to pop on over and check out the rest of the stamps...they are to die for....and if you wanted to join in on the fun with the challenges you can check them out here.
I thought this would make for a cute thank you card for our little one to send her Grandmother. It's a little premature, but my Mother in law wants to take her to this tea and crimpet little place one afternoon for the two of them to have tea together. So I figured why not be ahead of the game....simple but that stamp is ever so cute...I also used my scor-pal that I received from Diana....thanks Diana....I will be using this more in the future...this is such an awesom tool and I can't wait to make some things with it.... here's a card I actually made for a challenge over at Moxie Fab World . It's not very good though....
now, last but not least, here's another-- just add whatever...I can tell you, I don't like this one at all...I think the orange flowers are my problem..I think it needs green there instead....what do you all think? It just doesn't flow for me....


  1. WOW! Nancy, I could hang out here all day and just admire your work! Sorry to hear ya got the bug. Get better real soon or I'll be viewing re-runs! LOL!

  2. Hey chickie! Hope you're better real soon! Love all of your projects! You certainly are too hard on yourself. I think they're all just FANTASTIC! xxD

  3. Nancy,
    Nice card! Love the blog too! Guess we "shop" in the same place!

  4. Oh wow so many adorable cards, love all the variety!!


  5. Hi Nancy hope you start feeling better real soon! Wow you have been really busy and have created many beautiful cards! You do beautiful work!

  6. Oh my goodness you've been busy!! Aren't we so critical of ourselves? I like your "busy" card and the last card...I like it and I also think it would be fine with or without the leaves under the orange flowers. The bug got you too huh? It's hit me 3 times in the last 7 weeks now. Doc said everyone is having this horrible cold and no one can shake it. Great. Love it. Detect some sarcasm?

  7. Wow Nancy, you've been so busy!! These are eye treats, thanks for showing these fabulous creations. They are awesome :o)

  8. Seriously, woman, what are you thinking? Are you trying to keep me up all night, looking at crafty deliciousness til I can't see anymore?!? I love every bit of it; don't let me fool you, because I do. You are so stinkin' talented. I believe I am jealous. Yeah, that's what that green eyed monster over my shoulder means. Seriously, wow. Gina L

  9. OMG...I mean seriously....OMG! Each and every little thing you touch turns into art. I adore every single card! Every single one! I sooooo want to just hang out with you and craft! You're amazing!
    Love ya girl!!

  10. Do you realize how incredibly talented you are?!? These are wonderful! I'm especially loving the black & white & green Tilda card!
