
Tuesday, February 09, 2010

It's Coming Again

Happy Tuesday morning...Just a quick post to share a couple cards that I made some time ago and just haven't added them yet. This past weekend we ended up with 24" of snow, well we are in the path of another storm that is expected to dump another 12-18" on us. Can you believe that. My heart sank when I heard that on the news. We just thought it would be alittle dusting but hell no, it's another nor-easter storm. And it's coming right at us today into tomorrow again. We still haven't finished digging out from the last one, not to mention, they haven't even plowed our developement. And the next question is, where are they going to put all of the new snow? There's no where left!!! Hum, maybe that's why they haven't plowed in here..ya think? Anywho, here's the cards that I have to share...Enjoy!!!! this one I used Spellbinders for the flowers, frame and the embossed background and just used ink to go over top of it. Something different for me. Haven't decided if I like the color... and here's another Kraftin Kimmie stamp...I colored her in with Prisma pencils. Just a simple and quick card... I had someone ask me about the recipe to make the box that I posted below with my Magnolia set. I don't normally take measurements when I'm just winging it. But I do remember that I started with a sheet of 12X12 cardstock and cut it to 10X10 and scored 1" on all sides and folded into the bottom part of the box. Then I just took another 12X12 sheet and folded it over the sides to make the top part of the box. But this wasn't big enough to go all the way around to bottom part of the box, so I had to cut another piece to cover the gap. I'm so sorry that I'm horrible at measurements as I make something from scratch. I will try and do better in the future. Thanks so much for all of your wonderful comments and stopping by my blog. You all really make my day. Hugs from a very snowy (and getting more snow) Charm City..


  1. HOly moly girl! That's some SNOW!!!! Hope you've got lots of hot chocolate and soup and don't have to go ANYWHERE, heck, even if you did, you can't. LOL Good excuse to CRAFT! Anyway, GORGEOUS sympathy card! I think it's perfect, and that Kimmie stamp is too cute! Love them BOTH! Stay warm and dry. Hugs, D

  2. Fabulous cards, Nancy!! Your KK card is soooo adorable! Love that you cut her out and your coloring and design is fabulous as always! hugs!

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