
Monday, January 11, 2010

Just a little toot

Good morning all--I just wanted to pop in here and give you some of my happy news of a layout that was accepted over at Scrapbooking Magazine. If you don't already know, this is a free magazine that is published weekly and best of all, it's free. Free-- I tell ya. There's not many things in this world that is free. This magazine is chucked full of inspiration. All you have to do is sign up for their newsletter and it's delivered right to you in box. How cool is that. So gander on over and sign up if you haven't already. And then peek around a look at all of the eye candy that is there this week.
The layout that had gotten picked up was an 8X8 double page winter layout that I had done for a circle journal that I'm in. Here are the layout deets if you are interested in checking out what all I used.
Well that 's it for now. I'm off and running for a bit and hope to be back to play alittle later after school starts. Have a warm and safe Monday. Hugs from Charm City


  1. WooHoo congrats, lady! No surprise that this gorgeous layout is published. FABULOUS job! Gotta go check out the mag. xxD

  2. ooooo....Nancy! They're pretty smart cookies over there! Your layout is FANTASTIC! Of course it is, they always are!!! You are so amazing! Fabulous details, girlfriend! The colors are perfect, I just love everything about it!!! Congrats and TOOT TOOT!!!! hugs!

  3. WTG Nancy! Your spread is gorgeous. Long time no see. Hope all is well.

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