
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Holiday Greetings spinner/easel and a Christmas Bingo Cards

Hello bloggers...just a little quick post to share a couple cards I made last week. I haven't had much time to post lately.... The first card I actually made for a challenge, but didn't get it uploaded in time for Crazy 4 Challenges easel challenge...this was my take on it...I made the card fronts (6X6..not made in DS) and welded the trees snowflakes and Santa's sleigh/reindeers to a square/oval each layer in Design Studio...then I took Santa and made him into a spinner to fly across the front...kind of like I would picture him being on Christmas Eve night as he went from roof top to roof he always comes out with a smile on his face...I can't remember where I got the instructions to make the spinner card, but if I can find it again I'll share the link...I truly couldn't believe how easy it was to make a spinner card....our little one keeps playing with this card and just giggles everytime he goes spinning across the card....
the card below I made last week also. I had seen so many bingo sheets being used on cards that others share across the net, that I decided to make one myself. It was abit time consuming, but I really like how it turned out....I also made this in Design Studio but it can easily be done without it....if you get a chance, my dear freind Miss Donna (popsicle toes) has made some also and has graciously share her DS pop on over to her blog and check out her designs...not to mention all of her creativity...and let me tell you, she has so much creativity it just oozes out of her toes....
Well hope everyone has a wonderful week...I'm trying to make something to enter into Michael's contest...I'm just at a brainfart right now and don't know which way I want to take this project....hugs from Charn City


  1. Amazing how great minds think alike! LOL LOve your bingo card, Nancy! Oh, but that easel spinner is SPECTACULAR!!!!! I've never used that Santa and reindeer but they are the CUTEST! Any to think Santa is interactive too! WOW! xxD

  2. I just love your Bingo card and the spinner! I think you may have some creativity oozing from you too! LOL Hope you get over your brainfart stage! ROTFLMAO
    Thanks, Pam

  3. Oh Nancy I love your spinner card, so much detail. Is that my Christmas card???? LMAO

    Hugs - Bonnie

  4. Thanks Nancy for leaving me such a nice comment on the Cricut Messageboard!!!

    I love your easel spinner card (I used the same Santa, sleigh and reindeer on a mini album I can see it on my article for custom crops if you'd like!!

    If you have the link to make this type of card I'd love to have it!!!


  5. OMG Nancy these are amazing!!!! That spinner easel card is the most fantastic Christmas card i've ever seen, do you want my addy? lol
    So sorry i've been a bad blogging friend lately, i just haven't had the time to leave comments, but i have been popping by. Hope you are well my friend.
    Hugs Tracy xx

  6. wow, oh, wow, wow, wow. You have incredible vision and talent. These are tremendously beautiful and well done cards. I'm so glad I clicked over here from the MB's, I will definitely have to come back again and again!


  8. I'm sure you'll come up with something fabulo-so for the Michael's contest! ;)

    These cards are both amazing! Love all the detail and that spinner... so cool!

  9. Just beautiful as usual.. I have nominated you for the Kreative Blogger award on my blog!


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