
Thursday, October 01, 2009

What a Beautiful Day

It is such a beautiful fall day here in Charm City. I have my windows open and am feeling the fall breeze rolling through our home. I just love this time of year. My feet, fingers, hell my whole body doesn't swell else feel like this? This is the time of year that I can actually go shopping for clothes and get the size that I really need and not have to worry about what size I need if it's so hot outside and my body swells. I just LOVE FALL!!!! Not to mention all of the beautiful colors that fall brings. With Halloween just around the corner, then Thanksgiving and then Christmas it means that this year is almost over. Can you believe that. Where has this year gone already. We only have a few weeks left before Christmas and I haven't even started my shopping, not to mention cards. Well, I just made one card but that's it for now that I posted below. I have been missing in action for a little while. I have to say, I have been on this audio book kick right now. I took our little one to the library a few weeks back and have fallen in love all over again with it. Normally, I don't go to the library. Our little one normally goes with her older sister or a friend. But on this day I took her. While I was there, I signed up for my own library card (at which I haven't had one in like forever). But then I decided to go and take a gander at the audio books since I'm in my truck quite abit. The first book I took off the shelf I just had to have. It's called Lethal Legacy by Linda Fairstein. It's the last one in the series of about 10 books. It was awesom. Take a gander over to her site. She does a video about this book and see if you like it. What I like about her series is that she brings history about New York City into her books. So you're getting a history lesson as well. Here's her addy Linda Fairstein Legal Legacy . I have since taken out all of the rest of the series except for the first 3 books. The library doesn't have these. So I need to find these so I can complete her series. If you have any audio books that you are fond of I'd love to hear about them. I'll be on the look out for some more soon. Now onto my crafting...the layout posted below is one I did one morning. It's a modpodge of products that have no rime or reason. I also posted a couple of cards and even a book. You can click on the photos for a better view...
I made the above card using the new Winter Wonderland Cricut cart. I left the greeting blank for now. Sorry for the coloring to. I just couldn't get this right this morning.
I made this card a few months back but never posted it here. I had made a card box that used this same card design but this is just a little different from those.
here is the book I made back in 2005 for CK's contest to be on their team. Heck, I don't even remember what it's called anymore or if they still have the contest. I don't think I have publicly shared this book and thought I would here on my blog. I have to say I am very fond of this book. It was the last time I made a trip back home to Michigan and I am feeling the itch to go. It's so me. Just what ever I thought the photos were saying to me at the time is how I decorated the pages. Each one is numbered and at the end of the book I have tags for each page that has my journaling to corirspond to each.
Thanks for hangin out with me this morning. I hope everyone has a lovely day. Hugs from a very beautiful Charm City.....


  1. What beautiful work Nancy! I was trying to avoid buying another cricut cartridge, until my birthday. But, with your card up there, I think I am going to invite my hubby out to dinner tonight, down the hill to a nice date...maybe the kids will babysit the 10 month old...then BAM! Honey can you please stop at Michaels! HEE HEE HEE! Can't wait to see what you create for my book! Whoo whoo!


  2. My goodness you've been busy Nancy! Fabulous stuff! Love the mix of styles you do. xxD
