
Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Pink Elephant Sketch Challenge

Happy Saturday. Since my last post, we have been very busy here. We had our DD's birthday party, our middle daughter came home for a visit. And our little one started school. So it's been very busy and hectic here in our home these past few weeks. Not to mention, DH has been laid off for 3 weeks now. So, with him home, I really don't get to play much. But today I took my morning and made a couple of cards for the sketch challenge over at The Pink Elephant. I had alot of fun playing with this. If you get a chance pop on over and check out their challenges they do every week. They are alot of fun. here's the sketch
I made this one using the sketch above. I needed a card for our little one to send her Grandmother. They went shopping, had lunch and even went and did their nails together. They both had a great time but I know Grandmom was abit worn out after her day. The inside is blank so our little one can hand write a note of thanks to her.
just a close-up of the Distress Crackle paint I used on the chipboard.
Here's the second card I made for the sketch. I was in a grunge Halloween just love Halloween. I colored in this digi stamp (from Scrapping Doodles) with Copics and then did a layer of Vintage Photo Distress ink over top og the entire card.
Here's a card I made using my Pazzles Machine. It was one of the free clipart that comes with the program and I just welded a second piece to make a cutout card. I took my Big E off my table and put my Pazzles in it's place. I am determined to get to know this machine inside and out now.
The inside just says Happy Halloween.
Well thanks for stopping in. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Hugs from Charm City


  1. Way cool cards, all of them! Love the crackle, just bought me some because of you. Also the grunge. Love the Pazzles card but don't neglect your poor E. xxD

  2. Wow these are just brilliant. That cackle effect is so cool - it would be great for Halloween cards too. Love what you've done for Halloween. Fantastic stuff.

    Thanks so much for sharing them with us at the Pink Elephant and thanks for the really kind comment on my blog too.

    Ann xxx

  3. Hi Nancy, I love your cards! Such talent. Okay, so to answer your question about the Circle book club, yes it is in the States only. With your talent I would love, love for you to join!


  4. Very cute!! Love the arrow with all the bling. Thanks for playing with us at TPE!!


  5. Hi Nancy!

    I am so thrilled you are going to join in on this! Woot woot! Okay all I need now is your theme, and your address so I can put it down on the list. Email this to me @ for privacy ya know? Okay way cool, I can't wait to get this up and running, now we only need 5 more! Woot woot, and triple woot!

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